... 歐洲央行行長德拉吉(Mario Draghi)在新聞發佈會的講話重申此類擔憂而令整個政策聲明風格轉向鴿派,那麼 ...全文
... he idea. Mario Draghi, president of the the European Central Bank, warned in September that the only currency of the eurozone was the euro. In response, Korjus insisted his team has figured out sever ...More
EJ Insight2017-12-20
... ,但該行行長德拉吉(Mario Draghi)卻指出,近期歐羅區基礎通脹趨向溫和,但仍未顯示更加令人信服的上升 ...全文
... 生招牌通渠佬馬里奧(Mario)在10月終於登陸智能手機,推出首款手機遊戲Super Mario Run。雖然 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年12月15日
... l banks," Mario Draghi told the European Parliament on Monday, Reuters reports. Draghi's remarks came days after Ewald Nowotny, National Bank of Austria president and an ECB governing council member, ...More
EJ Insight2017-11-23
... 歐洲央行行長德拉吉(Mario Draghi)說,前瞻指引非常成功,在市場預期導向上發揮很大作用,基本上成了歐 ...全文
... laureate Mario Vargas Llosa was invited to address the crowd, which the SCC claimed was 350,000-strong. Founded in 2014, the SCC is in fact a coalition of several pro-Madrid groups aimed to counter t ...More
EJ Insight2017-10-25
... quickly,” Mario Queiroz, Google’s vice president for Pixel product management, said in an emailed statement to Reuters. “We will provide updates as soon as we have conclusive data.” The investigation ...More
EJ Insight2017-10-24
秘魯作家、詩人,2010年諾貝爾文學獎得主,曾競選秘魯總統,僅敗予後來當選的藤森,代表作為《城市與狗》(The ...全文
... 貝爾文學獎得主略薩(Mario Vargas Llosa)站台,以表達對加泰羅尼亞政府發動「政變」的不滿。 這 ...全文
... ,到時他或許會再化身Mario Brothers出場,又或變身「多啦A夢」、鋼之鍊金術師助興,至少不用為他人作 ...全文
歐洲央行行長德拉吉(Mario Draghi)在一個記者會上表示,比特幣(Bitcoin)等虛擬貨幣仍未成熟得 ...全文
... tral Bank Mario Draghi since Estonia is a eurozone member, and therefore it has no authority to issue its own currency, not even virtual ones. Yet even so, the ideas of e-Residency and estcoin propose ...More
EJ Insight2017-10-16