... 牌François Coty邀請他設計香水瓶。「然後他開始製造大型建築物如噴水池、大型雕塑,一直堅持用玻璃物料 ...全文
... 關業務賣給化妝品集團Coty。P&G的產品類別已經由16種減至10種,年均開支也削減了100億美元,其 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年07月19日
... rry今年4月與美國Coty簽署美容產品授權協議是非常明智的做法,後者擁有美容業所需的規模和市場營銷專業知識。 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年05月22日
Henkel & Co. KGaA AG and Coty Inc., both of which have personal care and cosmetics businesses, made binding offers to buy separate parts of Procter & Gamble Co.'s beauty businesses, Reuters re ...More
EJ Insight2015-06-09
... d and two COTY Awards. "A huge mistake we make is forgetting that one day we will die. We think that we are going to live forever. I always say life is a little like a garden. There is a time to plant ...More
EJ Insight2014-10-21
French beauty firm Coty Inc. will stop selling its TJoy Chinese skin care brand due to heavy losses, National Business Daily reported Thursday, citing a company announcement. Coty bought the company i ...More
EJ Insight2014-06-05
The top 10 perfume brands in China in 2013 were all from overseas, news website Yicai.com reported Friday, citing data from Euromonitor International Ltd. Chanel, LVMH, Coty, P&G, L'Oreal, Estee L ...More
EJ Insight2014-04-04