... atives on Hennessy Road underneath the Canal Road Flyover in Causeway Bay. Protesters surrounded the driver, who then left his car and fled. Protesters thrashed the vehicle with iron stocks and wooden ...More
EJ Insight2019-09-30
... d through Hennessy Road to Central and set barricades along various throughways on Connaught Road Central, Harcourt Road and Des Voeux Road Central, seriously paralyzing the traffic on Hong Kong Islan ...More
EJ Insight2019-09-02
... geways of Hennessy Road near Causeway Bay and blocked the roads by using fences, causing serious traffic obstruction,” a government statement said. “After that, some protestors proceeded to block Glou ...More
EJ Insight2019-08-05
... ted along Hennessy Road which is a key protest route. Overall, it is too early to tell how Hong Kong's retail sector will be affected by the latest street protests, strikes and other disturbances. But ...More
EJ Insight2019-07-02
... etreat to Hennessy Road near the Southorn Playground. According to RTHK, several demonstrators were subdued on the ground, while some others were pushed against the wall and frisked. Some demonstrator ...More
EJ Insight2019-06-27
... 董事會主席John Hennessy在會議開場演詞中稱,毫無疑問,公司肩負愈來愈重要的責任,即確保研發的技術能 ...全文
... y Bay and Hennessy Road as they walked from Victoria Park to government headquarters to convey to the Carrie Lam administration, and its backers in Beijing, how angry the people are against proposed e ...More
EJ Insight2019-06-10
... 表現欠佳原因之一。 Hennessy BP能源基金經理Trip Rodgers指出,市場對於油價年前的大跌,拖 ...全文
... 落成甲級商廈One Hennessy 7層,可租用面積(下稱面積)合共約8.3萬方呎,傳聞終獲業主華懋集團確認 ...全文
... LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SA;被告包括沙路威法國紅酒有限公司(Cuv ...全文
... ,以及灣仔 One Hennessy共7層樓面,面積達8.3萬方呎;每個項目租期俱長達10年,顯示其在香港發展 ...全文
本港核心商業區空置率持續創新低,華懋集團旗下灣仔甲級寫字樓One Hennessy明年首季才落成,但已預租八成 ...全文
... 席亨尼西(John Hennessy)質疑策略是否對Google有好處。 進軍中國市場,被視為Google行政 ...全文
仲量聯行業主代理部主管嚴威程表示,華懋集團旗下灣仔甲級寫字樓One Hennessy明年第一季落成,已預租80 ...全文