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Tesla宏圖「冇料到」 股神妙着押EV

... 1日購入休憩站服務商Pilot Travel Centers 41.1%股份。 相比台積電的舉世矚目,這項投資 ...全文


Trouble with carbon markets

... lementing pilot programs, and scaling successful initiatives would be relatively straightforward. Such efforts should draw on existing platforms and initiatives that bring together market actors, civi ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-03

Food waste reduction alleviates landfill dilemma

... aunched a Pilot Scheme on Food Waste Collection in July 2018, in collaboration with non-profit organisations, industrial and commercial organisations, local communities, schools, and environmental gro ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-21

Smart solution alleviates vision problems

... aunched a pilot project to use AI to automatically assess and calculate the probability of patients suffering from glaucoma, strengthening glaucoma screening. It helps doctors pick out high-risk patie ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-10

The Fed’s climate complacency

...  its new “pilot climate scenario analysis” exercise with six major banks is likely to understate both the risks of climate change and the opportunities offered by the transition to net-zero emissions. ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-08

Virtual asset policy: The “eastern wind” for Hong Kong fintech

...  sectors. Pilots to seed market adoption Other developments include the embracing of NFTs which were tested at the Hong Kong Fintech Week as proof of attendance for attendees of the main conference of ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-21

New Opportunities in GBA

... ground to pilot RMB internationalisation. The opportuni ...全文

今日信報理財投資香港經濟峰會2023──穩經濟 » 尋新路 » 創機遇2022年12月01日

試點買賣有望達成 藍籌公用機構參與

... 步推進,「開始時有啲pilot deals(試點交易)做到畀人睇」,冀能推動市場顯著增長。 德勤料港規模將超星 ...全文


How developing countries can reach net zero

...  launched pilot versions of such “country platforms.” Unfortunately, countries that are suffering the worst effects of climate change are also those where state capacity is weakest. The international ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-07

Further suggestions on Policy Address: Smart economy development

... 15 that a pilot study on underground space development in Tsim Sha Tsui West, Causeway Bay, Happy Valley, and Admiralty/Wan Chai was proposed. One of the main obstacles is that 3D maps and models of t ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-17

零跑汽車今日登陸港交所:業績增速強勁 五大基石助陣

... Leapmotor Pilot)及智能座艙系統(Leapmotor OS)。 與此同時,零跑汽車構建了豐富且持 ...全文



... 現有230條領航鯨(Pilot whale)擱淺,是本周第二宗同類事件,當地官員說其中半數恐怕已經死亡。 塔斯 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年09月22日

Navigating a world in shock

... times. No pilot is flying the plane: the closest thing we have to a cockpit, the G20, is fractured and deadlocked, despite Indonesia’s valiant efforts as this year’s president. The international insti ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-21

單靠自己「做不完」 龐大市場可互補

... 動新產品在本地試產(pilot production),惟單靠自己「做不完」,要建成國際創科中心,必須結合大灣 ...全文



... 提升。 ADiGO PILOT智能駕駛系統不斷拓展功能和場景,實現全場景智能出行,L2++高級輔助駕駛將於年內 ...全文


A long road to get back to work

... he office pilot program, saying they are not asking for everyone to be forced to work from home. “We are asking to decide for ourselves, together with our teams and direct manager, what kind of work a ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-24

恒馳5推十大購車權益 3年內六折保值回購等

... 用;免費提供恒馳H-Pilot智能輔助駕駛包。 此外,還有三電終身質保;終身享受每年2次免費基礎保養;一年內可 ...全文



... 標註「XIAOMI PILOT」,或為小米智能駕駛系統名稱。小米去年3月宣布造車後,密集展開多項實際行動,包括 ...全文


Model S限制遭破解 時速達348公里

... 的Michelin Pilot Super Sport車胎,其餘硬件未有改動。報道引述Ingenext消息指出 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2022年07月06日

Are asset managers in danger of failing millennials?

... ardian, a pilot involving the financial industry exploring the use cases of asset tokenisation offers clear evidence how traction is quickly building in this nascent space. In our view, tokenisation i ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-23

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