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... 對是重組債務,其對手Ocean Rig上個月剛剛申請了破產保護,Seadrill坦言他們可能是下一個。 市場預 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年04月07日

Donald Trump's climate fantasies

Legend holds that King Canute brought his flatterers to the sea to show them that even a king could not command the ocean waves, that the laws of nature are more powerful than the decrees of men. So p ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-03

SpaceX successfully launches first recycled rocket booster

SpaceX successfully relaunched a rocket recovered at sea from its maiden flight last year and capped the feat with another return landing on an ocean platform. The unprecedented twin achievements of r ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-31

佳能購創企Kite 拓個人化打印

... 靠盧森堡Black Ocean投資集團提供營運資金。Kite產品服務包括iOS及Android SDK等,讓開 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年03月30日

Japan plans to send largest warship to South China Sea

... he Indian Ocean in July, Reuters reports, citing unidentified sources. It will return to Japan in August. "The aim is to test the capability of the Izumo by sending it out on an extended mission," sai ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-14

Sri Lanka: China's reluctant ally

... he Indian Ocean. Straddling the important sea route between the Middle East and East Asia as well as connecting the Indian Ocean and the western Pacific, Sri Lanka has tremendous strategic value both ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-06

Canadian bacteria-like fossils seen as oldest evidence of life

...  have had oceans, long since gone, that may have boasted similar conditions conducive to the advent of life. Tiny filaments and tubes made of a form of iron oxide, or rust, formed by the microbes were ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-02


... 及情緒穩定力,合稱為OCEAN,心理學家基於這5種維度,可以準確預測人們的行為方式。 可是長久以來,這類測定卻 ...全文


Security Council condemns North Korea missile test

...  into the ocean in international waters. In December, the Security Council adopted a resolution in response to North Korea's nuclear test in September. The resolution aimed to slash North Korea's expo ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-14

Pay me? Play me!

... rience of Ocean Park’s 40th anniversary discounted ticket sale which almost spoiled the entire promotion last month. Apparently, the bank has learned nothing from different generations of iPhone sales ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-09

It's time to take the bull by the horns over housing

... e size of Ocean Park. To address growing public grievances against the Small House Policy, the next government that will be assume office on July 1 should consider buying back all the ding's rights an ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-09

Good news for foodies: Food trucks coming and where to find them

... entrance, Ocean Park, Aberdeen (All food trucks will start roving among the above designated locations from mid-February) – Contact us [email protected] FC/RA Read more: The phony and absurd food truck ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-02


... 新(00488)油塘OCEAN ONE及信置(00083)牽頭的大埔白石角海鑽.天賦海灣。   ...全文


Eight food trucks to begin two-year pilot scheme Friday

... nt Space, Ocean Park (area outside the theme park), Tsim Sha Tsui Salisbury Garden, Tsim Sha Tsui Art Square, the Energizing Kowloon East Venue 1, the Wong Tai Sin Square next to Wong Tai Sin Temple a ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-01

El Niño may make a comeback as Australia sees Pacific warming

... l Pacific Ocean will probably warm over coming months, suggesting neutral conditions or El Niño are the most likely scenarios for the southern hemisphere's winter-spring period, Bloomberg reports, cit ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-01


... 盤自然也不少。以位於Ocean Avenue 24號5室的兩房單位為例,外形較老式,目前周租695澳元(約40 ...全文


三公司爭購 中遠海運出價312億

... 在去年已提出成立聯盟Ocean Alliance,並預計在今年4月正式運作,聯盟期限5年。外電指出,雖然長榮、 ...全文


Countries halt search for MH Flight 370

... of remote ocean in what became the most expensive in aviation history -- about US$150 million. The search was impeded by storms and fierce ocean currents. The passengers’ family members have urged the ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-18

Ocean Park to allocate 48,000 HK$40 tickets after sales fiasco

Ocean Park had to suspend online sales of its special concessionary tickets in celebration of its 40th anniversary after it was found that some customers managed to jump queues by exploiting a differe ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-12

South Island Line and MTRC’s inconvenient truths

Hong Kong has welcomed its first new rail line in more than a decade – the long-awaited 7.4-kilometer South Island Line, linking Ocean Park, Wong Chuk Hang and Ap Lei Chau with Admiralty, which was in ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-10

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