... 八〇後」。阿里GM Lab負責人莊卓然周五宣布「造物神計劃」,即日起邀請商家、硬件等各領域的合作夥伴加入平台, ...全文
... 智能科創公司Viv Lab,以加強S8內的人工智能功能,但三星在人工智能領域仍落後對手,例如Google上月發 ...全文
... nnovation Lab和Fintech O2O(NexChange及數碼港)亦會在香港金融科技周內舉行相關 ...全文
... Kaspersky Lab開發出全球最佳防毒軟件之一,深受逾60%俄羅斯市場信賴,在英國、瑞士、挪威以至美國、 ...全文
今日信報理財投資宏觀視野Vera Kurochkina2016年10月24日
... g 2 space laboratory, where they will spend about a month, Reuters reports. President Xi Jinping has called for China to establish itself as a space power, and it has tested anti-satellite missiles, i ...More
EJ Insight2016-10-17
... 租用辦公室,還有科大lab的支援、圖書館的支援等。」又由於有「土地問題」,若同學要在「孵化器」租用辦公室,每間 ...全文
... 中更設有著名的KG Lab。客人可於KG Lab中即時體驗Kelvin Giormani的高級訂製服務,於多達 ...全文
... 的Start Up Lab的特別之處在於小朋友要上台報告,指出如何把所學的科學知識活用於社會上,以幫助別人改善 ...全文
... sto); ‧由B Lab所推動的共益企業(B Corp)運動。 共益企業方興未艾 在眾多的運動中,我們認為B ...全文
... Security Lab said on its blog that its researchers were able to remotely control some systems on the Tesla S in both driving and parking modes by exploiting the security bugs that were fixed by the a ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-21
China will launch its second experimental space laboratory late on Thursday, highlighting the nation's ambitions to establish itself as a space power. Tiangong 2 will be launched just after 10 pm loca ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-15
... Kaspersky Lab)表示,他們發現一種能繞過Android第六版手機作業系統安全功能的新惡意軟件,犯罪 ...全文
... 5. As his lab worked on the mechanism that under certain circumstances causes the bacterium E. coli suddenly to produce bacterial viruses (which had been dormant), another research group was analyzing ...More
EJ Insight2016-07-18