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... 中央銀行Banco Central de Cuba (BCC)發布決議令,承認包括比特幣在內的加密貨幣,可以合 ...全文


Government’s role in driving digital resilience

...  powerful central repository of data can now be used for more. By reusing the trapped data in backups, organizations can drive business analysis, decision making, development and richer customer exper ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-16

The economic risks of Pandexit

... nalloyed. Central bankers, who are skilled at turning opportunities into problems, are already worrying. While their baseline economic scenario is positive, they see significant risks. “Policymakers s ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-16

電子支付 時代洪流

... 究中央銀行數碼貨幣(central bank digital currency,簡稱CBDC),將有利於淘汰現 ...全文

今日信報時事評論龍虎山下謝國生 何敏淙2021年09月15日

Changing the climate of financial regulation

...  European Central Bank, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, and the Bank for International Settlements are actively working to repurpose instruments like stress tests, living wills, and risk-based ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-13

零售與批發型同步 整體規管架構配合

數碼金融是未來金融市場發展大勢所趨,央行數碼貨幣(Central Bank Digital Currency, ...全文


Wetland Seasons Bay二期擬下月推

... 北角海璇II及東半山Central Peak第2期,屆時不止「月月有樓賣」,更有可能2至3個新盤同期開售。 ...全文


Wetland Seasons Bay第4輪銷售212伙沽清

... 角海璇第2期及東半山Central Peak第2期,不止月月有樓賣,更有可能2至3個盤同期開售。 ...全文


Clay Farm為第18區最大樓盤

... t Place附近的Central Park站,3個站可達,車程5分鐘;往鄰近的Sandyford約7分鐘,到 ...全文



... 軍中央司令部(US Central Command)司令麥肯齊將軍(General Kenneth McKen ...全文


Monetary order and international security

... r role in Central and South Asian politics. Similarly, with the United Kingdom gone, dynamics within the European Union are shifting. France and Germany, the central axis of European politics for most ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-09

Back to the 1970s

...  and most central bankers would like to believe that. In fact, the roots of sustained inflation mainly stem from political economy problems, and here the long list of similarities between the 1970s an ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-06


... 來自中央視網膜動脈(Central Retinal Artery),中央視網膜動脈再分支為較幼小的支動脈(Br ...全文



... ez Véliz)的Central餐廳開張,31歲的他看到比自己年輕10年的𡃁妹應徵,起初頗感猶豫,皆因廚師行 ...全文


Why the stagflation threat is real

... and other central banks will start to unwind their unconventional monetary policies. Combined with some fiscal drag next year (when deficits may be lower), this supposedly will reduce the risks of ove ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-03


... 位於大腦的中央時鐘(central clock),也會影響位於組織中的周邊時鐘(peripheral cloc ...全文


Don’t break up social media, bifurcate it

After being celebrated for playing a central role in the Arab Spring, social-media platforms are now blamed for any outcome that traditional media outlets dislike – from the Brexit referendum and Dona ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-02

Will Biden make a historic mistake at the Fed?

...  become a central banker. Not until after his departure from the Fed did the US employment-to-population ratio start rising at the one-percentage-point annual rate needed to bring the economy within s ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-02

COVID-19 fuels HK-Shenzhen cooperation in biotech

... ed by the Central Government, the Hong Kong – Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park at the Lok Ma Chau Loop offers massive opportunities for both cities to capitalise on each other’s strengths and t ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-31

Will China fall in Afghanistan, graveyard of empires?

... ad of the central bank who has just fled into exile, wrote in the Financial Times on August 24 that it was not realistic to expect large investments from China, Russia or Pakistan. “In 2019, as Afghan ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-30

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