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... 融市場亦是。 作者為ING銀行亞洲區董事總經理兼首席經濟師。他為《信報》/信網撰文,分享市場觀點。   ...全文

今日信報理財投資宏觀灼見Tim Condon2016年09月28日


... 先後擔任跨國保險公司ING保險及大都會人壽的行政總裁,管理的金融服務業務橫跨人壽保險、一般保險、公積金及資產管 ...全文


Taiwan museum to remove statues donated by Jackie Chan

Taiwan's leading museum will remove statues donated by Hollywood star Jackie Chan after they were vandalized by anti-Beijing protesters late last year, Agence France-Presse reports. The sculptures, de ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-23

優步是神來之譯 唱好唱淡顯私心

... ayer Kill(ing)的縮寫詞(陸教授同時認為以PK作為罰十二碼〔罰點球〕Penalty Kick的縮寫 ...全文


How Beijing's divide-and-conquer approach to Taiwan works

Beijing is not above trickery and double standard when it comes to Taiwan. It likes to warn foreign countries off its internal affairs but will not think twice about sticking its nose in Taipei's back ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-21


ING銀行首席經濟學家Tim Condon【圖】認為,中國目前資金外流的情況屬正常,沒必要感到恐慌。他指出,人 ...全文


朱光耀稱量寬失效 財策應更積極

... 濫用貿易救濟措施。 ING亞洲研究主管Timothy Condon發表研究報告,預期中國在年底前不會減息,他指 ...全文


走出經濟陰霾 抓緊扭虧良機

... 報》網上版) 作者為ING銀行亞洲區董事總經理兼首席經濟師。他為《信報》/信網撰文,分享市場觀點。 ...全文

今日信報理財投資宏觀灼見Tim Condon2016年08月31日

Taiwan's new digital minister: young, talented, transgender

... n formulating its digital policies. The appointment is seen as an effort to boost the popularity of President Tsai Ing-wen, whose approval rating has slipped to 39 percent, the lowest since she took o ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-29

How Hong Kong is getting sucked into Beijing's Taiwan battle

As China seeks to tighten its grip over Hong Kong, it seems nothing is safe when it comes to the city's powers and decision-making rights. After chipping away at Hong Kong's autonomy in areas such as ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-24

英零售超預期 鎊造好

... 月可能削弱購買力。 ING經濟師說,通脹將持續上升代表實質收入增長會放緩,將局限英國未來數季零售銷售表現。   ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年08月19日

Three Taiwan soldiers killed after tank falls off bridge

Three Taiwanese soldiers were killed in an army drill a week before the annual Han Kuang military exercise aimed at preparing the island from any potential attack by the People's Liberation Army of Ch ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-17

德出口勁 上季GDP勝預期
英脫歐衝擊大 專家籲增投資

... 、化工和製藥產業。 ING經濟師表示,若德國要延續經濟增長,投資必須增加,但英國脫歐、全球經濟放緩等因素,令德 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年08月13日

Why more Hong Kong people are supporting Taiwan independence

... erful feeling of being able to elect their own leaders. Many Hong Kong people, in fact, wish the day will come when they, too, will be able to elect their own leaders without any interference from Bei ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-10

In a world of women leaders, China is way behind the times

In America, Hillary Clinton is calling for the shattering of the highest and hardest glass ceiling of them all by electing a woman president of the United States. In Britain, Theresa May was catapulte ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-09

Why Taiwan stock market may not sustain rally

Cross-strait relations have been on a tightrope since Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen took office two months ago, but the island's stock market has been the best performer in Asia during the period. T ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-08

Chinese video revives accusations of US inciting HK independence

Chinese netizens are reacting to a state-sponsored video purporting to show US role in inciting independence for Hong Kong and Taiwan. The footage shows scenes in which Beijing tries to link Washingto ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-03

Business with Beijing can’t make Seoul feel safe, but THAAD can

All the developments following the international tribunal's ruling in the Hague that disavowed Beijing’s “historical right” to disputed waters and islands in the South China Sea have actually affirmed ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-01

醫企用毒 置之死地

... 不足的國情狀態,當年ING收購霸菱基本上亦是此毒方。 新天換出來 但以毒攻毒後,是否仍有接續方案,這裏要先提提 ...全文


Beijing piles the pressure on HK and Taiwan artists

... . It is using its economic might, along with its vast market, to apply pressure on the island.  This time around, it has chosen to focus on the entertainment sector. Rumors have it that Beijing wants ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-27

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