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遠離煩囂 私家綠洲

... 綴以大小、高低不一的Mirror Ball吊燈,獨特的金屬光澤及倒映效果為居室添上時尚玩味。至於客廳,則有鬱鬱 ...全文



... 的時候,也差不多是「mirror trades」醜聞見報之時。 Mirror trades是指兩間不同公司但相 ...全文


政經炸彈頻爆 今季冇覺好瞓

... 俄羅斯或因鏡像交易(mirror trading)涉嫌洗錢;在意大利,德銀部分高管因在與某意大利銀行的金融交易 ...全文


Govt to revise curriculum for a patriotic view of HK history

...  act as a mirror to Chinese history to reflect the city's uniqueness and contribution to China's modern development, instead of the other way around. -- Contact us at [email protected] SC/AC/CG ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-04

A great but demanding trek in northeastern New Territories

... n see the mirror-like water surrounding Double Haven from afar in the northeast at Ma Tau Fung (馬頭峰). Walking along the ridgeway, one can get the best view of Hung Shek Mun (紅石門) -- the striking red s ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-12

Tesla car crashes in Beijing while in autopilot mode

... le's side mirror and scraped both cars, but caused no injuries. "The driver of the Tesla, whose hands were not detected on the steering wheel, did not steer to avoid the parked car and instead scraped ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-11

How an Indonesian maid became a writer

... ffering a mirror to the lives of the foreign domestic helpers in the city. Writing in her native language, Devi now has several titles to her credit and has also won some awards, i-cable reported. Dev ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-30

Purposeless Parliament?

...  party to mirror every individual’s preferences; consequently we plump for the party that most closely approximates to our philosophy. But if the candidate of our preferred party is not someone in wh ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-28

Scots don't want independence vote despite Brexit

... and Daily Mirror on June 25, also showed that despite not favoring holding another referendum, if one were to be held immediately, Scots would back a breakaway from the rest of Britain. Survation said ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-27

Nine things you can do to jazz up your apartment

... pace with mirrors Mirrors can be cleverly placed to reflect light around rooms. This could for example be a floor length mirror in the bedroom to draw the eyes upwards, or perhaps a darker metallic st ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-22

Double standards: The new normal in both society & govt

Hong Kong last week saw some incidents that largely went under the public radar. Although on the surface they might appear unrelated to one another, the events serve as a mirror to the changed times a ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-17


由Trinity Mirror出版的英國報章The New Day出版9周後便告停刊,因為銷量大失所望,本來預 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2016年05月06日

When you look in the mirror and don't like what you see

Now that March 8th, International Women's Day, is more than a month behind us, it's probably safe to talk about an issue so neglected in the modern social justice agenda – male self-esteem. Good male ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-22

Foreigner arrested in taxi brawl after Rugby Sevens final

...  rearview mirror and getting into a brawl with the cabbie, HK01.com reports. The incident happened at the Eastern Hospital Road at around 9:30 pm as the foreigner sought a taxi to go back from the spo ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-11


Vivienne Westwood的2016春夏季廣告企劃「Mirror the World」,是關於拯救威尼 ...全文


McDonald’s plans 1,000-restaurant expansion in China

... ion plans mirror those of several other multinationals, especially in the entertainment, sports and casual-dining sectors. Starbucks Corp. aims to open 500 stores in China a year for the next five yea ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-01

Why Gregory Wong feels actors have big social responsibility

...  seeks to mirror local politics through the setting of triad society. In the film, Wong and co-star Chapman To (杜汶澤) are willing to go to any lengths to be the next chief of a gangster group. The inte ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-19


... 的Mobility Mirror「智慧鏡」將個人的當日計畫表,連接到用戶的各個終端設備,還會根據使用者當前情況 ...全文


百變珍奇屋 讓眼睛旅行

... rafragola Mirror,彎彎曲曲的粉紅色霓虹燈鏡框猶如時光隧道的入口,又帶點Disco的意味,貫徹M ...全文


Taiwan experience shows how we can build an age-friendly HK

... o a magic mirror that shows how one will look like in 10 years’ time, based on information provided by the visitors about their diet, frequency of doing exercise and whether they are smokers or not. U ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-02

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