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... nvestment Act,簡稱NSI),授予政府更大權利審查並阻止涉及國家安全領域的海外投資。外界認為,新法 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年01月06日


...  Services Act 2007)下,在律師公會(The Law Society)外成立法定組織律師管理局 ...全文



... odd-Frank Act)執行規則的幕後撰寫工作。 離開政府部門後,拉斯金仍會開腔敦促聯儲局及其他聯邦金融監 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年12月30日


... orization Act,NDAA),法案涉及美國國防開支7700億美元。 美國國會本月較早時已經通過NDA ...全文



... 》(Rowlatt Act)。英軍向示威民眾開槍,造成上千人傷亡。 英女皇通常在桑德靈厄姆莊園歡度聖誕,但今年 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年12月28日


... 困方案(CARES Act),還有其他不同的救濟方案就不在話下。 債台高築沒完沒了 美國政府負債已達新高,佔本 ...全文


The US must not make empty threats

As Russia masses troops along its border with Ukraine, fears of an invasion are mounting. The United States has warned that Russia would pay a heavy price, exacted first and foremost through economic ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-23

Vicious crises

... s to the fact that we are in the grip of not one but four crises. The only way forward is to recognize the connections between planetary public health, climate change, declining public trust and democ ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-21

Promoting smart construction with interactive map dashboard

In order to promote digital transformation in the construction industry, the Construction Industry Council (CIC) has recently launched an interactive map dashboard called “Smart Construction in Hong K ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-20


... Fake News Act,下稱《反假法》),該法被視為時任總理納吉布(Najib Razak)打壓針對其貪腐 ...全文


3 contrarian investing views on:China, stagflation, supply chain

... nd the impact of associated fiscal policies used to combat the pandemic, such as the CARES Act or the Paycheck Protection Program. We believe that as the virus recedes and direct government payments t ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-15

The Establishment: And how they get away with it'-Owen Jones

... esture or act from the state. One can't be blamed for w ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年12月15日

Hong Kong Ballet’s sparkling new Nutcracker

... uring the Act 1 party. And Webre and his team have adapted this Christmas tale to take place in Hong Kong in the early 20th century instead of 19th century Europe. The dominating stage set is a palati ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-14

‘The Establishment: And how they get away with it’ -Owen Jones

... esture or act from the state. One can’t be blamed for wondering – have we all gone absolutely, completely bonkers? Then there’s Jacob Rees-Mogg’s lamentation over MPs being required to wear masks – Bo ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-13


... Magnitsky Act(,以侵犯人權為由制裁扎克爾和吐尼亞孜。 ...全文



... h Dignity Act,早於1997年開始實施)。 筆者在《生命倫理的四季大廈》(香港三聯,2019)書中 ...全文


餐飲股Chipotle翻身 喜迎通脹挑戰

... ck Better Act),以及1.2萬億美元的基建議案遭遇諸多波折,便可知日後經濟下行時,華府能動用的貨幣 ...全文


The American climate consensus

...  by human activity. There is broad-based demand for a public-private approach combining federal targets, tailored state-level strategies, and investment and innovation from the private sector. America ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-02

Europe’s two peace missions

... f private actors. But, given the findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Sixth Assessment Report, ambitious mitigation efforts have to be frontloaded this decade. It is the actual ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-01


... al Market Act),沒有防止蘇格蘭、威爾斯和北愛議會通過及實施自己境內的社會、公共衞生和環境法律,規 ...全文


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