
共 3000 個結果
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... ED及COSMIC CITY INTERNATIONAL LIMITED等,四間公司董事分別為南豐發展董事總經 ...全文


Winning a Mark Six jackpot under the fifth wave

... e in this city. That is because Hang Seng Index fell 14 per cent last year amid Beijing’s tightening regime that cooled off most Chinese hot stocks. Credit Suisse Private Banking vice chairman Dong Ta ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-05

On quarantine, pandemic controls and common sense

... l Chinese city (for now), Hong Kong benefits far more from remaining connected with the international community at large via travel and interpersonal exchanges, than its counterparts in the mainland – ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-05

望月樓逾百食客未尋獲 恐已播毒
首現Omicron群組 張竹君指店內換氣不均

... ;近日亦曾往屯門V City商場牛角日本燒肉專門店等地方。 Omicron疑似患者所到之處及搭過的交通工具,部 ...全文


超疫前四分一 美國需求最勁

... 國同業Kansas City Southern,這些交易促成多宗大筆融資貸款的簽署。 此外,今年涉及KKR、黑 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年12月29日

How smart hospitals mitigate shortage of healthcare staff

... uch as 3D city model, terrain and building information modeling (BIM) to the GIS platform to perform airflow analysis of the outdoor and semi-outdoor space of the hospital, so as to detect the risk of ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-28

Following the money of Hong Kong's growing fintech cluster

... Asia, the city is fast becoming a springboard for fintech innovation and scaling. To understand this evolution, we must first acknowledge that Hong Kong is an economic cluster primed for fintech. Firs ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-24

龐比度之父 反傳統揚名

... 巿(compact city)規劃,利用城市的緊密度,減少交通流量,把對外聯繫的道路減少,騰出更多空間給城市人 ...全文


Tokyo has done it. When is Hong Kong's turn?

... ithin the city. This effectively extends protection to ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年12月23日


... 咖啡、尖沙咀港威商場city'super、油麻地碧街OK便利店,和旺角仁安大廈惠康等。 ...全文



... estaurant City,應該很多讀者都玩過,你可以設計餐廳的裝潢,把你fb名單上的朋友變成侍應生、清潔工 ...全文


Tokyo has done it. When is Hong Kong’s turn?

... ithin the city. This effectively extends protection to all same-sex couples residing in the 14 million-strong metropolis – a substantial step forward in Japan’s push for greater equality and rights pr ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-21


... 收購以洛杉磯為基地的City National Corp,加拿大多倫多道明銀行(Toronto-Dominio ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年12月21日


... 號海港城港威商場3樓city'super、油麻地碧街50及52號地下OK便利店、油麻地彌敦道494至496號晉 ...全文



11月中旬,菲律賓現任總統杜特爾特(Rodrigo Duterte)的女兒、南部達沃市(Davao city) ...全文


Ladies and Gentlemen, there are two Hong Kongs.

... richer. A city that rewards speculation and opportunism ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightA Hongkonger2021年12月18日

沙塵暴狂襲美中部 危及逾億人
時速90英里 黃埃蔽天 山火肆虐 交通癱瘓

... 艾奧瓦城(Iowa City)兩場野火導致數百居民須疏散。俄克拉何馬州遭遇極端強風及山火,須關閉高速公路,一度 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年12月17日


《色慾都市》(Sex and the City)新一季《華麗下半場》(And Just Like That.. ...全文


Hong Kong Ballet’s sparkling new Nutcracker

...  New York City Ballet. Webre’s choreography is effective, though occasionally formulaic and repetitive. The battle scene is theatrical. The choreography for the Chinese dance, which includes a lion da ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-14

Hong Kong: A tale of two cities

... richer. A city that rewards speculation and opportunism, but rarely – unlike what it once promised to aspiring migrants fleeing oppression or destitution – merit. Merit is but a social construct, afte ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-14

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