
共 805 個結果
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Is this another financial crisis in the making?

...  equities mirror financial conditions and the state of the world economy, these developments are quite disconcerting. A temporary correction in the GMB index is not that worrying since it usually resu ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-14


... 班》(Circle Mirror Transformation),也屬突破。李國威導演《緣》劇,角色一直都在玩 ...全文



... 班》(Circle Mirror Transformation)的原因是演員,僅看演出陣容, 絕對是票房保證。 ...全文


Police probe photos of plane passenger with gun-like object

... in China, Mirror Evening News reported. It is not clear which airline or flight the passengers were taking, but the photos were apparently taken while the plane was at the Beijing Capital Internationa ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-06

區報沒落 整合頑抗

... 英國Trinity Mirror提出以1.87億英鎊收購約80份區報,交易仍在進行中。該公司相信,假如成本尤其 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2015年12月31日


... 學》(In the Mirror: Literature and Politics in Siam in th ...全文


Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the laziest of them all?

Who among our honorable legislators are worth their keep and who are just wasting taxpayers' money?  The watchdog group Catholic Monitors on Legislative Councillors has just released its annual report ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-16

China releases journalist jailed for leaking state secrets

... ounder of Mirror Media Group, the New York-based firm that owns the website, has also denied receiving any such document from her. Before her trial and while in detention, Gao admitted to the charge a ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-27

Public's right to know outweighs HKU council members' face

... per Daily Mirror was outraged by the injunction granted by three judges of the Court of Appeal prohibiting any media coverage of Peter Wright, a former MI5 counterintelligence agent, and the contents ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-04


... 鏡報》(Daily Mirror)因為不滿3名上訴庭上議院法官(Law Lords)在「間諜捕手」(SPY C ...全文


British tabloid Sun to tear down online paywall

... n and the Mirror Group titles on 3.9 million. Actual sales of the Sun newspaper fell by 34 percent in Brooks' absence. -- Contact us at [email protected] CG ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-02

現代玻璃大宅 沉醉都會魅力

... ck的Caadre mirror作為焦點,映襯灰褐色的法國木紋砂雲石、奶茶色皮櫃及長櫈,樸實而不失高雅氣派。 ...全文


Chinese man pulls off fake car accident scam in Japan

... rear-view mirror of her car when she was driving by the Gion Kobu Kaburenjo Theater on August 21. As the man cried out in pain, the driver -- a restaurant owner -- took him to a hospital for a check-u ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-06

Netizens freeze out Chinese clone of Disney blockbuster

The cast resembles that of the original and the theme song is strikingly familiar, but that's where the similarities end. Still, that did not stop the makers of Enchanted Mirror Romance, a Chinese ani ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-15

China's grand military parade: Some sidelights

... ront of a mirror in the gents' quarters. In a male-dominated world, it is no surprise that ladies' rooms were in short supply, some netizens remarked wryly. Among other sidelights at the parade was th ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-04


... 中見出「鏡像書寫」(mirror writing)的端倪——文字筆畫或圖像以反方向書寫,那就如同經由鏡子反照; ...全文



... 黑鏡》(Black Mirror),劇中的女主角何以將男友拋入了深谷之中?儘管「他」是機械人所複製的,那麼,觀 ...全文



我叫Mirror,從小就喜歡貓。也不知是從什麼時候起愛上了貓咪,可是因為居住條件不許可,加上媽媽是個有潔癖的人 ...全文


Mainland woman pleads guilty to damaging Sing Tao car

... rear-view mirror and air-conditioning system of the Sing Tao staff's car. Police came and arrested her. Seeking leniency from the judge, Wu's lawyer said she came on a two-way permit for a sightseeing ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-24


... 球化的「鏡像效應」(mirror effect),營造了「你中有我, 我中有你」的夢幻感,難怪有西方網友指出此 ...全文


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