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How Bangladesh makes careful use of China's BRI money

...  near the Bay of Bengal; it will serve southern Bangladesh as well as Nepal and Bhutan. It is due to open in 2030, with a capacity of six million TEU containers a year. In May 2018, the Dhaka Stock Ex ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-02

How Bangladesh makes careful use of China's BRI money

...  near the Bay of Bengal; it will serve southern Banglad ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2019年05月02日

Tens of thousands join rally as worries mount over fugitives law

...  Causeway Bay at around 3:40 pm, 20 minutes earlier than scheduled because there were just too many participants, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reports. The last batch of protesters arrived at the de ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-29

The long march for democracy

... e Greater Bay Area as well as the Belt and Road Initiative. But the fact remains that Hong Kong doesn't want to have anything to do with Communist China's legal system. Sunday's massive protest was m ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-29

淡市逆流向上 成交價頻破頂

... 區玫瑰灣(Rose Bay)便是很好的例子,在全城吹淡風之下,該區分層單位造價兩周內兩度錄得破頂成交,突顯其位 ...全文



... 灣(Watsons Bay)和Vaucluse等。參考澳洲稅務局去年4月公布的數據,在2015年至2016年財 ...全文



英國南極研究團隊發表最新報告,顯示皇帝企鵝第二大繁殖地哈雷灣(Halley Bay)已連續3年出現近乎零雛鳥的 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年04月26日

How long will Beijing allow Carrie Lam to dither on Article 23?

... uantanamo Bay in Cuba. Public opinion eventually forced the government to wind down Guantanamo Bay and install civil liberties safeguards in its security laws. China’s definition of national security ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-25

Why HK film industry welcomes Lam with open arms

... o Greater Bay Area to “support Hong Kong in its development into an exposition hub for television and film” is the result of Lam’s intense and painstaking lobbying. And things are just getting better ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-18

Where are the vehicles for the mega sea bridge?

... e Greater Bay Area,” it said. Wang said that if he needs to go to a city on the east side of the Pearl River, he would use the Humen or Nansha bridge or one of those under construction. “They are quic ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-18

Where are the vehicles for the mega sea bridge?

... e Greater Bay Area," it said. Wang said that if he need ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2019年04月18日

The real economy

The Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has mentioned the term “real economy”, but hasn’t bothered to explain the term. Over the years, mainland media have ofte ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-17

Calzedonia pays big to stay in Causeway Bay

How many socks and leggings does Calzedonia have to sell in Causeway Bay to make enough money just to pay its landlord? The Italian fashion brand has renewed its lease on a 400-square-foot shop at 60A ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-15


... 發展。 陳茂波其後與Bay Area Council代表午宴,聽取他們分享發展三藩市灣區的經驗。他表示,粵港澳 ...全文


Carrie Lam hits back at critics of Occupy court ruling

... e Greater Bay Area plan, Lam said. Right after the guilty verdicts were given on Tuesday, Hong Kong's last colonial governor Chris Patten called the outcome of the trial “appallingly divisive", noting ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-11

HK in best position to lead GBA spatial data development

... o Greater Bay Area (GBA Plan). Both platforms are actually the same with all data centering on geographic or location information. Why centering on geographic information? It is estimated that 80 perc ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-04

MTR faces heat over upcoming 3.3% fare hike

... ear Sunny Bay Station. – Contact us at [email protected] TL/JC/RC   ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-29

Pan-dems have reservations about visiting Beijing on Oct 1

... e Greater Bay Area. Among them were several pan-democrats. It is said that the government received largely positive feedback from the pan-dems who joined the visit, and found that it might be a viable ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-28

Transplanting HK-style healthcare service into Greater Bay Area

... o Greater Bay Area (GBA) is to build a world-class livable area, it will have to work aggressively on these five fronts. Hong Kong has a unique and definite advantage over Macau and Guangdong cities w ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-27

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