
共 1782 個結果
頁數:1...37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 ...90

夥拍字節跳動 代理兩IP遊戲

... 302)今年將有兩款IP(知識版權)遊戲由字節跳動獨家代理,中手游副董事長冼漢迪認為,字節跳動雖是後起之秀,但 ...全文


Zoom rides high amid coronavirus lockdowns

... eryone's lips is Zoom.  Operated by California-based Zoom Video Communications, Zoom has been topping the download charts in recent weeks, emerging as a big winner amid the coronavirus crisis. Little ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-31


... k)、英國的私募基金IP Group等有什麼新方向。最近在好奇心驅使下走訪了不同的相關機構,發覺有幾個現象值得 ...全文



... 有110項知識產權(IP)。 內地自2017年起,已禁止紡織廢料入口;惟本港每年製造逾10萬噸紡織廢料,大多被 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年03月20日

US urged to sanction John Lee, Chris Tang for rights violations

... rs Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee, Horace Cheung Kwok-kwan and Martin Liao Cheung-kong, and Exco convenor Bernard Charnwut Chan. Also attending the dialogue were Jonathan Fritz, the Deputy Assistant Secretary ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-12

China loses battle for control of another UN specialized agency

... e leadership position of a UN agency. It was also a victory for the United States, which had lobbied hard for Tang against the Chinese nominee, Wang Binying. Washington made clear that it was strongly ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-09

Downward trend in education spending matter of deep concern

... ong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination, and subsidizing short-term internships for undergraduate and postgraduate students taking STEM programs in our universities. While they are welcome ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-06

手遊戶增長勁 電競廣告萎縮

... 均擁有內地知識產權(IP),料未來有更多國產自家遊戲,能陸續推至海外市場。 朱:玩家口味趨成熟,公司產品及服務 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年03月06日


... 約20.3%用於遊戲IP授權。 內地疫情令市民足不出戶,「宅經濟」盛行,推動網上消費娛樂,手遊成為消閒的重要方 ...全文


非洲社群餐館東主 藉重慶大廈美食促進種族融和

在第一次走進重慶大廈前,Selina Ip和許多香港人一樣,對於這個地方有點恐懼,直至她認識來自加納的男友Pa ...全文


No concrete plan yet to evacuate HK residents in Hubei: govt

While the government has started evacuating hundreds of Hong Kong passengers on the Diamond Princess cruise ship docked in Yokohama, Japan, thousands of Hong Kong citizens stranded in central China's ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-20

網龍增長靠遊戲 網上教學待發力

... 英魂之刃》和《征服》IP價值繼續提供最大貢獻,活躍用戶和付費賬戶全面增長,收入分別升56.5%、27%和43% ...全文


【盤前部署】水星逆行逢MACD現背馳 恒指支持看10天線

... 世界、神曲及彈彈堂等IP改編遊戲的合作、(4)海外遊戲發行及運營的合作及(5)遊戲雲及雲遊戲的合作。戰略合作可 ...全文


Time for fresh thinking on face mask supply

... or Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee suggested that the government was preparing emergency legislation law to regulate the import, distribution and retail of surgical masks in order to crack down on price-hikes. ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-12


... 視頻監控系統在用境內IP地址。 經分析,中國視頻監控系統存在一定的漏洞安全隱患和數據洩露風險,可能成為境外黑客 ...全文


Queue-it applies ‘queuing psychology’ to help online retailers

... ghly anticipated tickets or goods were indicated “sold out” in a matter of minutes, or even seconds, on the platform, leaving many customers frustrated and confused. Can Queue-it’s solution address th ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-10

網購塞爆 虛擬排隊系統管人流

... ,『虛擬等候室』配備IP位址分析等多項工具,有助零售商識別及阻止自動程式使用者。」 Sodemann稱,因應網 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年02月10日

法巴叫買中手遊 料今年盈利強勁增長

... 遊是內地其中一家專注IP的遊戲公司,亦是首家把迪士尼及東映IP引入內地的公司,以IP為基礎之遊戲佔去年上半年總 ...全文


So that's why we can't get face masks

...  to participate in such a long, cumbersome procedure to sell us their products because other governments and enterprises are jostling against each other to buy them – name the price, money is no objec ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-07

Public hospital staff to pursue strike despite quarantine move

... er Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee, who is chairwoman of the New People's Party, suggested that the administration apply for a court injunction to stop the ongoing strike. Ip said the strike is illegal as it do ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-06

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