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八達通日日賞將終止 8月底前用積分

八達通日日賞計劃即將終止,日日賞會員於8月31日或之前,可在惠康超市、Market Place by Jaso ...全文


How geospatial information helps COVID-19 epidemic research

...  Time and PlaceA group of mainland researchers analysed more than 1,000 confirmed cases as early as February this year, including the patients’ age, gender, symptoms and their spatiotemporal character ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-27

The rise of pajamas traders

... eir users place bigger orders. Also, it is believed that because more people were unemployed, they found ample workers available for delivery at a lower cost. As a result, margins improved. In additio ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-26

A tale of two crises: Covid-19 and plastic waste

When the Covid-19 started to hit the world early this year forcing many places to lock down, conservationists saw it an opportunity for the chronically ill earth to take a rest. For example, the NASA ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-26

ST. ANDREW'S PLACE單號屋劈價500萬蝕讓

上水St. Andrew's Place單號屋,實用面積3879方呎,開價約5500萬元,以5000萬元沽出, ...全文


深灣9號洋房劈價沽 實蝕7043萬

...  Andrew's Place亦有洋房以4800萬元售出,虧損1100萬元。 持貨4年 1億元易手 土地註冊處 ...全文


14萬呎會所 花木扶疏 設施齊備

... St Martin Place則提供多處共享空間。其他設施還有面積寬敞的兒童天地、各類遊戲室及影視室等,包羅萬 ...全文


Are financial markets none the wiser?

... downs and place even more pressure on those working toward a vaccine. But what if the phase-three trials for all of the most promising vaccine candidates were to fail? Moreover, no worst-case scenario ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-14

What’s wrong with HK’s “partial lockdown” strategy?

... nd a hard place in the New Cold War, and embroiled in political turmoil that frankly leaves little appetite for sound reflections concerning public health. The botched communication strategy of senior ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-13

Speculative capitalism meets authoritarianism

... the first place suggested to the kingdom that a bid for Newcastle United would be successful. It is likely that an intermediary over-played their hand in selling the idea to officials in Riyadh. Specu ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-11

Should you emigrate to Britain?

... sen their places to study before they buy.” Emigration is a complicated decision, said Miu Siu-tong, a British-registered lawyer specialising in this work. She has written the “101 Guide to Emigrating ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-10

The future of digital currencies

... is taking place. Central banks can take three distinct approaches. One is to make significant improvements to the existing system: reduce fees for credit and debit cards, ensure universal financial in ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-07


... c Century Place寫字樓租賃在充滿挑戰的環境下仍然保持平穩,約86%樓面已獲預留或承租;總租金收入 ...全文


Why Hong Kong is the ideal place to resolve commercial disputes

... the ideal place to resolve commercial disputes. Commencing proceedings in Hong Kong Litigation In Hong Kong, the principle of "One Country, Two Systems" is enshrined in the Basic Law. As such, Hong Ko ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-04

【信報月刊】港樓難大升 第二層樓買海外

... t Consort Place,香港買家佔比高達二三成,曼徹斯特樓盤港人比例亦較高。 此數字不尋常,「以往海外 ...全文


Preventing the outbreak of Trump’s Falklands War

... , simply, place too much faith in the common sense of our so-called world leaders. As the political analyst San Yu commented on 25 Jul in his “At the Eve of Pearl Harbour Strike”, Chinese foreign poli ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-30

A Marshall Plan for planetary health

... t fail to place health and ecological considerations at their center. One positive feature of the current crisis has been the rapid adoption of innovative measures (including versions of universal inc ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-30

A golden age for technology

... firmly in place with the pace of change now accelerating. In a recent survey, 75% of Fortune 500 CEOs said technology transformation has gained speed following this crisis. Obviously, economies will s ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-29

So long, Swindon!

... the go-to place for English textbook and magazine in Hong Kong from the 60s to the 90s. I knew friends who picked their first date in the bookstore. In the 60s, Li also bought Kelly & Walsh in Cen ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-29

No one who expects to win an election wants it postponed

... the first place? On both sides of the political divide some very careful thought is required, whether it will happen is entirely another matter. -- Contact us at [email protected] ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-27

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