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云爾錄 :外滙業人士玩健身猝死

位於鰂魚涌康怡廣場的健身連鎖店Physical Fitness(舒適堡),昨晚上近7時,有患病紀錄的51歲姓黃 ...全文


How to protect biodiversity from online theft

... deliver a physical sample. The virus can spread faster electronically than it does in nature. More complicated viruses and some bacteria are in the range of such techniques today, although wholly synt ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-19

How this headmaster found his calling

... st pass a physical while candidates for visual arts are required to submit their portfolio for evaluation. The school is notable for producing elite athletes to a point where it is sometimes mistaken ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-14

Can Andrew Leung tame the new Legco?

...  possible physical clashes -- among the members of the new Legco, which is scheduled to hold its first meeting next Wednesday, are likely to escalate. As one of the longest serving incumbents and chai ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-06


... ctual and physical peace since my death in 1997, even t ...全文


Neck pain strikes even the young

... or having physically demanding jobs. Meanwhile, people's obsession with smartphones and tablets has meant that a lot of users are suffering a "text neck" problem. What puzzles me most is the increasin ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-30

Investment lessons you can learn from cycling

...  terms of physical strength and mental power. Participants were required to finish it within two hours, which meant they had to cover at least 25 km per hour. Going up the slope is most testing for cy ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-30

HK public school slammed for underwear checks

... saying no physical contact will be involved. Students were told they are free to talk to the media about the inspections but that they should "be careful".   BPS requires students to wear white or bei ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-30

Scheme launched to boost pricing transparency at pvt hospitals

...  as their physical conditions or instruments used for the surgery might be different. Investigations by HKEJ found that many private hospitals have already unveiled their charges as required by the ne ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-30

好財好色好投機 瑕不掩瑜理想高

... 貌和馬克思「雷同」(physical likeness to K. Marx in every point); ...全文


80% of students with deep myopia have retina deformation: study

... number of physical education lessons,” Cheng said. He said schools and parents should not give up the time for children to exercise in order for them to get good grades in exams. Dr. Patrick Ting Wai- ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-28

HK woman, 21, attacked by roommate at Taiwan university

... unching a physical attack on the young Hong Kong woman. A hospital examination revealed that Chiu suffered multiple bruises and abrasions on her face and body following the attack in the wee hours of ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-23

'Brangelina' ends: Jolie to divorce Pitt, seeks custody of kids

... ught full physical custody of their six children ages 8 to 15 with visitation rights for Pitt but did not seek spousal support, the report said. Jolie cited their separation date as Sept. 15.   "I am ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-21


... 。 第一類是身體型(Physical),他們對有興趣的對象會在無意間作出身體上的觸碰,而身體型的女士的手掌會離 ...全文


Tsuen Wan police caught off guard by uninvited guest

... boar to a physical checkup, found it did not sustain any injuries from its midday escapade, and released it back into the wild, Apple Daily reported. Hunting or harming wild animals is banned under th ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-15

Hillary Clinton 'healthy and fit', says doctor

...  complete physical examination was "normal" and she is in "excellent mental condition". Trump, meanwhile, has said he is planning to release this week details of a recent physical. He handed over a on ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-15

Rural council leaders push back after Eddie Chu's threat claims

... hreats of physical violence against those who have different opinions on land-related issues. Leung Fuk-yuen, chairman of the Shap Pat Heung rural committee, which oversees about 30 villages in Yuen L ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-13

HK youth feel politically helpless, survey says

... s, namely physical health, psychological well-being, society, economics, education, politics, living environment, and overall well-being. This year, 13 out of the 28 indicators have worsened, with the ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-02

Fear is the key

... ge and no physical injury, minuscule errors of judgment are prosecuted for careless driving. Such incidents lack any quality of criminal culpability but once the prosecution is commenced, magistrates ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-01

Award-winning sci-fi book reflects class divide in Beijing

Chinese author Hao Jingfang’s work Folding Beijing has won the Hugo Award for best novelette. In her futuristic book, Hao depicts Beijing as a city divided into three physical layers, each occupied by ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-31

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