
共 1907 個結果
頁數:1...40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 ...96

Fish farmers object to new licensing rule proposals

... and, Mirs Bay and the waters off southeast Po Toi Island. – Contact us at [email protected] TL/JC/RC ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-12

China's 'Two Sessions' could dwell on Greater Bay Area devt

... o Greater Bay Area. Some media reports have suggested that the official planning outline for the Greater Bay Area is likely to be announced either before or after the meetings. As such, one can expect ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-12

SoftBank invests in autonomous delivery startup Nuro

... Francisco Bay Area, plans to use the fresh funds to expand its delivery service to new areas, add new partners, expand its fleet and grow its team. Nuro has raised more than US$1 billion from investor ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-12


... 目的地是古巴的豬灣(Bay of Pigs),那裏應該沒有幾隻真正的豬,主要看點是儍豬豬的美軍,怎樣在入侵過程 ...全文


Public hospital crisis: thinking outside the box

... o Greater Bay Area based on our city's standards that admit both Hong Kong and mainland students. And graduates of these schools should be given priority for job openings in public hospitals in Hong K ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-31

Guangdong steps up work on Bay Area initiative

... o Greater Bay Area. In my opinion, the notice effectively marks the beginning of a new phase of attempts for thorough and in-depth integration of various cities in the Greater Bay Area. According to t ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-29

平機票帶動 訪南歐中東非洲升幅勁

... 的瑪雅灣(Maya Bay)等去年因遊客過多令區內環境受破壞,相繼關閉保育。UNWTO秘書長波洛利卡什維利(Z ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年01月23日

往港班機一人不適急降紐芬蘭 艙門凍壞

... 的鵝灣(Goose Bay)軍用機場,安排病人落機,計劃補充燃料後繼續行程。 然而,客機一直停在鵝灣機場,原來 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年01月22日

Technology and innovation can help solve manpower shortage

... e Greater Bay Area.  The other conference was the ASTRI Technovation Summit 2018, which explored developments on the creation of a smart city via artificial intelligence (Al).  The Economic Summit gat ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-21

聯航飛港航班故障 乘客困機上飢寒交迫16小時

... 大鵝灣(Goose Bay)機場緊急降落。但醫護人員將這名乘客送醫後,飛機據報是因氣溫攝氏零下30度,令一道門 ...全文


Man, 65, arrested for cutting hair of lady dozing off on bus

... m Kowloon Bay to Aberdeen on Sunday morning, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reports. Not long after the bus entered the Cross-Harbour Tunnel, a passenger seated behind the lady pulled out a pair of sc ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-14

HK commercial rents keep rising even as residential market cools

... nt/Quarry Bay, Tsim Sha Tsui, and Kowloon Bay/Kwun Tong have all registered historically high rents in November 2018. On a year-over-year basis, Central rent has increased by 16.5 percent, North Point ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-11

Why can't we have Luckin, Hema and Pop Pop Pot in Hong Kong?

... e Greater Bay Area this week, I had a chance to sample some of their fast-food outlets, and I wish they would also be available in Hong Kong.  First stop was Luckin Coffee. This is operated by a very ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-11

Cheung Kong to turn Tin Shui Wai hotel into homes

... posed Big Bay Area.  All told, the hotel is a low-yield business, compared with property development which has been booming over the last decade – until the last quarter when the residential market tu ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-08


... 區委員會經濟研究所(Bay Area Council Economic Institute.BACEI)的報告 ...全文


Jan 1 rally sees some clashes over pro-independence placard

...  Causeway Bay at 3 pm and marched toward the Civic Square at the east wing forecourt of the Central Government Offices in Admiralty. About 50 people from pro-independence groups including the Hong Kon ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-02


... ghts、Rose Bay North與Vaucluse等傳統豪宅區。     ...全文


半島城區三面環海 度假情懷滿溢

香港人每天逼巴士、趕地鐵返工,未到公司已筋疲力竭,惟澳洲悉尼東岸的半島城區屈臣氏灣(Watsons Bay), ...全文


西望海港大橋 賞煙花勝地

... 區最北端的Lady Bay海灘則是悉尼少數的合法天體海灘。 屈臣氏灣西面望向悉尼海港大橋,故每年的除夕都會吸引 ...全文


Govt intervention sought to help 4 HK men jailed in Philippines

... off Subic Bay in 2016 after Philippine police officers said about half a kilogram of methamphetamine, commonly known as Ice, were found in a backpack belonging to one of the men. On Dec. 14 this year, ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-28

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