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... 際間聯繫的自然需要,keep in touch愈發渺茫;漫長的抗疫,就像減肥無異,考驗人的自律、恒心和節制能力 ...全文


How to Live with the Pandemic

... ne should keep three issues on their radar in the months ahead. First, the phased reopenings across North America, Europe, and Asia have been accompanied by social-distancing guidelines. Given the pop ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-21


潮流興Keep fit,不少人家中都有齊備的運動裝備和運動服裝。就算不在家中進行,也會到健身室。除了成人要訓練 ...全文



... 軍,之後喺英超時代都keep到成績,仲入過歐聯四強添!呢隊波有歷史有成績,難怪係英國球壇球迷最多元化嘅球隊,簡 ...全文



... )已經進入超買情況,keep住喺「超買再超買」位並唔係一件好事,頂到咁行又咁耐,隨時反轉頭嗰力度仲勁;仲要穿埋 ...全文



... TC(14,3)已經keep住喺嚴重超買水平橫行,按呢段時間(52568)高低位做過$0.13/$0.124計 ...全文


Another option for HK SMEs seeking govt support to digitise

The Hong Kong Government’s D-Biz Programme has been highly sought after as businesses now understand the importance of taking innovative, digital approaches to keep things up and running during the pa ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-03

Why Indonesia is the next digital payments battleground

... rices. To keep up with consumer preferences in Southeast Asia’s largest economy, merchants and payment service providers would need to evolve – by delivering a customer-centric experience where consum ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-02

Saved by the Pandemic?

... rise, and keep the Arctic ice cap mostly frozen. But while the COVID-19 crisis has given us an unexpected climate opportunity, we obviously can’t maintain lockdowns forever. Millions of people are cur ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-01

Startups: The art of pitching

... s able to keep calm, he just sat in the corner and thought about how to present his story. He divided his pitch into four parts:1. to attract the attention of the audience, to begin with "did you know ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-30

The plastic pandemic

... elping to keep plastic waste out of our oceans, such systems can provide decent jobs and improved livelihoods, resulting in stronger, more sustainable economies in the long term. COVID-19 is often des ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-26


... der how I keep from goin' under」,道出布朗克斯的悲慘生活。 這種具社會意識的饒 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus EJ Watch張德裕2020年06月20日

【輪證贏家】高槓桿牛+Day trade work喎!

... 嘅時候,尾市時恒指仍keep住喺24000點之上,故(60071)同(51630)收回價同當時現價差距分別有7 ...全文



夏天將至,一眾愛美人士都開始keep fit,務求以更佳體態示人。要保持健康均勻的身型,除了要勤於運動,也需要 ...全文


Building up cyber defence resilience in a post COVID-19 world

... aining to keep your employees defensively aware of these incidents or try simulating attacks that promise recipients information about COVID-19 or masquerade as IT helpdesks performing work from home ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-16

Reimagining the office

...  plans to keep far more employees at home after the COVID-19 crisis ends. Will the office be yet another casualty of the pandemic? In a sense, the death of the office has been a long time coming. In t ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-16


上個星期五(6月12日)仲以為恒指會繼續keep住橫行狀態收市,但結果喺臨收市前15分鐘,無啦啦發力向上,將恒 ...全文


Popular opposition, economics will torpedo UK immigration offer

... ounder of Keep Britain Working. The third reason is policy confusion over China within the Johnson government. One main rationale for Brexit was to enable London to negotiate its own trade and investm ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-15

One kowtow is never enough

... ecided to keep piling on the pressure. On June 4th, the Global Times, Beijing’s attack dog newspaper, declared that HSBC’s kowtow had been too slow, quoting a ‘Chinese expert’ as saying “the bank's mo ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-12


... 粉筆灰飛揚;口裏喊「Keep quiet」,也的確驚醒了不少墮入夢鄉的同學。 體罰學生 有其傳統 「Keep ...全文


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