首創置業(02868) 自願公告CENTRAL PLAZA DEVELOPMENT LTD.美元有擔保債券(與 ...全文
... sters and central bank governors asked the IMF to develop such a plan, which, one hopes, will take into account the need to implement a possible $500 billion SDR allocation in a way that benefits deve ...More
EJ Insight2021-03-11
... rst major central bank to roll out a digital currency, in 2022 at the latest. If the US doesn’t move quickly, it will fall behind. America’s financial system will remain stuck in the twentieth century ...More
EJ Insight2021-03-11
... trust the central bank or invest in foreign currencies, the opportunity to stow one’s savings in a digital currency is obviously an inviting one. By the same token, there has long been a case to be ma ...More
EJ Insight2021-03-09
... 何文田Prince Central,上周五(5日)開價後翌日馬上展開收票程序,市傳兩天累收約17票。位於太子道 ...全文
西南九龍大型臨海新盤低價出擊後,新地(00016)旗下何文田單幢式豪宅Prince Central亦趕於周五( ...全文
首創置業(02868) 自願公告CENTRAL PLAZA DEVELOPMENT LTD. 擬發行美元有擔保 ...全文
1.Prince Central首批50伙 售價694.7萬起 新地(00016)旗下何文田太子道西195號P ...全文
新地(00016)旗下何文田太子道西195號Prince Central首批推出50伙,實用面積251至345 ...全文
... k and the central database, real-time matching can quickly identify illegal vehicles. But among all 5G applications, the most impressive one to citizens is an integrated online platform launched by th ...More
EJ Insight2021-03-05
... that are central to twenty-first-century economic growth. China is investing heavily in research and development, and competes well in some fields. But 15 of the world’s top 20 research universities ...More
EJ Insight2021-03-04
... 幢豪宅Prince Central料周內齊開價;路勁基建(01098)牽頭發展的香港仔黃竹坑站上蓋物業發展項目 ...全文
新地(00016)發展的何文田Prince Central,今日首度開放示範單位予傳媒參觀,預料最快周內公布首 ...全文
... to global central bank – will be forced to hike rates, potentially bursting asset-price bubbles around the world. But while markets are probably overstating short-term inflation risks for 2021, they d ...More
EJ Insight2021-03-02
... rkers are central players in India’s vaccination rollout, and the first in line to receive the shots. The drive to vaccinate around 30 million frontline and other health workers began on January 16, a ...More
EJ Insight2021-03-01
... 6)的Prince Central(共101伙)亦於日前上載樓書,項目更有機會成為3月首個開價新盤。 美聯料一 ...全文
... 御海灣第一期及東半山Central Peak第一期,會繼續出售已落成物業的餘下單位,包括長沙灣匯璽III和元朗 ...全文
... 幢項目Prince Central,昨日上載樓書,項目提供101伙,主打開放式及1房佔約76.2%,最細單位實 ...全文
新地(00016)旗下何文田Prince Central,新地代理副總經理唐錦江表示,項目今日上載樓書,共提供 ...全文