
共 3000 個結果
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The key to sustainable food systems

The fabric of our global food system is fraying under the strain of climate change and an ever-expanding population. To prevent it from unraveling, we must embrace distributed renewable-energy solutio ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-14


國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)表示,全球債務佔國內生產總值(debt to-GDP)比率去年為238%,低於前一年 ...全文


Trade in your home, will you?

Perhaps there are some offers more attractive than trading your old phones for the new iPhone 15. Well, if you are lucky enough to have a property in Zibo, an urban city in Shangdong with a 4.7 millio ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-13

COVID-19’s lessons for climate action

It is official: July was the hottest month on record. Global warming is happening, and its costs continue to mount. The World Meteorological Organization recently noted that, “Extreme weather, climate ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-13


... 名言:I want to go when I want. It is tasteless to prolong ...全文


理論未必灰色 生命之樹長青

... llingness to pay)是100萬元,並如實填寫,中標後你雖然取得拍品,但要付出100萬元,一加一減 ...全文


《儍錢》上畫溫舊夢 末日期權大流行

9月12日,周二。GameStop散兵2021年初逆襲華爾街,掀起史詩式震盪,真人真事終於登上大銀幕,電影《儍 ...全文


Elected Criminals

While Donald Trump holds the dubious distinction of being the first former US president to run for office while facing criminal charges, he is not the first political candidate in American history to ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-12

Can Hong Kong tap the opportunities in autonomous driving?

An essential driver for autonomous driving (AD) development is precision of maps. There are two very different approaches for AD, the so-called Waymo model and the Tesla version, according to Wang Xia ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-12

Equal love for all should not be political or politicised

A reasonable society ought to make provisions and accommodation, such that any and all reasonable preferences, tastes, opinions, and needs, can be reflected by the way people are treated by the laws a ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-12

The lost lessons of the pandemic

The rituals of fall in the northern hemisphere now include preparing for a fresh variant of COVID-19, in addition to the annual flu season. This year, it is EG.5 (nicknamed Eris, the ancient Greek god ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-12


... 是get paid to learn new things,沒什麼壓力,但人體很奇妙,過勞時會掉髮,而且不只在 ...全文


Elected Criminals

While Donald Trump holds the dubious distinction of being the first former US president to run for office while facing criminal charges, he is not the first political candidate in American history to ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-11

A new financing pact for climate-vulnerable countries

... y’s Bridgetown Initiative, the V20 group of climate-vulnerable countries, and the recent Paris Summit for a New Global Financing Pact. This week’s Africa Climate Summit in Nairobi presented a unique o ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-11

Salute! To the unsung heroes

Last Friday saw Hong Kong hit by one of the worst, if not downright the worst, rainstorms it has endured in recorded history. 158.1mm of rain was recorded at the Observatory headquarters between 11pm ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-11

In Xi’s China, security trumps economy

In the China of President Xi Jinping, security trumps economy. This means that the government is unlikely to meet its 2023 growth target of five per cent. The large stimulus package that would be need ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-11


...  am going to get to see him)。問題是正如北京已多番指出,中美緊張關係要真正「和緩」 ...全文


兒歌歌手轉型營養學家 歐倩怡43歲第一次派名片

... ,eat well to live well。正如中醫調理身體,與古醫師交流過程中,我發現中醫食療與西方營養學 ...全文


包容管理哲學 孕育成功企業

... (promoted to incompetence),而為企業製造出一群「枯木」(dead wood),帶來「 ...全文


The importance of spatial intelligence and soft skills in AI era

A recent study from OpenAI and the University of Pennsylvania found that OpenAI's latest language-processing model GPT-4 would affect mostly educated white-collars with an annual earning up to US$80,0 ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-08

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