... :「以往是教師要學生Keep Quiet,現在我們要教師自己Keep Quiet!」記得當時在場的李榮安教授( ...全文
... 為何多數人跟我時身材keep到,之後又會打回原形?」 「後來終於想通,原來我只是改變了他們的健身模式,並沒有改 ...全文
... 條就是「小注經營」(keep bets small),他甚至明確提出每一注的風險要少於資本百分之一,這對於不少 ...全文
... stay safe,keep healthy。」倪明醫生說。 「2020年,醫者與大家一起活在新冠肺炎的陰霾中 ...全文
... that will keep Treasury interest rates low. The more important lesson that still has not been absorbed is that in a deeply depressed economy, government borrowing and spending boosts the country’s sho ...More
EJ Insight2020-12-28
... 衣室,下半場指示:「Keep going!」 林柏特半場則選擇換人,佐真奴費路(Jorginho)換走高華錫( ...全文
... empted to keep the Covid-19 under control in what is known as the fourth wave. For almost a year, we are told not to hug or kiss each other because we do not want to risk catching a very infectious di ...More
EJ Insight2020-12-23
... not only keep the business afloat, but also ensure their customers have been able to respond to changes in circumstances and adapt to new IT realities. This mission was especially crucial when taking ...More
EJ Insight2020-12-22
... anaged to keep numbers largely to a minimum? As with mo ...全文
今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2020年12月22日
... public to keep abreast of the latest development in innovation and technology, but it also measures whether the local economy matches the ideal structure of the innovation-driven new economy. In this ...More
EJ Insight2020-12-21
... anaged to keep numbers largely to a minimum? As with most things in Hong Kong politics – such a statement is by all means too soon, too simple, definitely naïve. Testing rates remain ludicrously low f ...More
EJ Insight2020-12-18
... o slow to keep pace with the level of change caused by the pandemic. COVID-19 has proven to be the alarm that the industry in this region needed to move forward as it looks to grow in the ‘next normal ...More
EJ Insight2020-12-16
... hey would keep operations at the current level, up from 52 per cent a year earlier. An official of a European chamber of commerce said that Hong Kong still had much to recommend it – proximity to Chin ...More
EJ Insight2020-12-14
... 中心都賣埋,只係人哋keep返個名。」亦有人質疑項目「好心做壞事」,令附近樓價租金攀升,「我唔可以話唔會,但咁 ...全文
... so as to keep the public updated about the latest development and reduce suspicion or speculation. In fact, the success of a smart city relies not only on good visions and comprehensive planning, but ...More
EJ Insight2020-11-27
... , we will keep up the good fight, and I believe we will ...全文
... ntions to keep Rt less than 2.5, is estimated to mainta ...全文
... China to keep growing despite weak external demand, a still impaired domestic services sector, and soaring debt ratios. Moreover, if history is any guide, any slowdown in China’s economy could also b ...More
EJ Insight2020-11-23