... ssful and swift close and therefore urge shareholders to accept the recommended Comcast offer.” 'Shocking' price “The price being paid for Sky is shocking, but it is a clear sign that legacy media com ...More
EJ Insight2018-09-24
... 國天后Taylor Swift推廣音樂和發行唱片。她在唱片公司工作共8年,音樂成了她的生命。 買一贈一 瞄準年 ...全文
... 名歌手Taylor Swift近期在美國的巡迴演出就採用了動態定價,務求從黃牛黨手上奪回她應得的利潤。 動態定 ...全文
... 洲貨幣基金以及獨立的SWIFT系統來提高歐洲的自治力至關重要。」馬斯說。(SWIFT是管理全球銀行間短訊系統的 ...全文
今日信報理財投資博集先機Jeffrey D. Sachs2018年09月07日
... 洲貨幣基金以及獨立的SWIFT系統,決不能再允許美國騎在歐洲頭上為所欲為。鑒於美國對伊朗第二輪制裁將於11月初 ...全文
... na、Taylor Swift等樂壇天后。 Vivendi拒絕環球唱片的上市計劃,表明掛牌「太複雜」。這實在令 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年08月29日
... 獨立嘅結算機制,擺脫SWIFT,成立歐洲基金會,唔再受美國控制。美國金融霸權對世界造成災害,逆我者亡,大家都正 ...全文
... 球銀行金融電訊協會(SWIFT.Society for Worldwide Interbank Financi ...全文
... ba、Taylor Swift等都曾穿着其出品出席公開場合。今天,品牌於全球超過100家商店發售,當中不乏世界 ...全文
... n for the swift and decisive actions taken by our law enforcement. The rapid growth in the number of online romance scams in recent months should serve as a wake-up call for local citizens. At the end ...More
EJ Insight2018-08-16
... h Korea’s swift denuclearization, Reuters noted. Trump has said the talks would be more about starting a relationship with Kim for a negotiating process that would take more than one summit. On Monday ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-11
The United States has imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum from EU, Canada and Mexico, drawing swift retaliation from the targeted nations and reigniting fears of a global trade war. A 25 percent tar ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-01
Just when people thought peace and stability would soon reign on the Korean peninsula, things took a swift and unexpected turn across the 38th parallel, as North Korea suddenly called off a high-level ...More
EJ Insight2018-05-18
... ar to the SWIFT global messaging system that moves trillions of dollars each day. Hackers have used SWIFT connections to attack banks around the world. The central bank also said that no clients had b ...More
EJ Insight2018-05-15
... esult was swift support from all over the world. In fact, apart from deforestation, over-harvesting also causes the extinction of species. The beautiful orchids are diverse in color, but some wild spe ...More
EJ Insight2018-03-27