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歌曲未曾網售 首周銷量破紀錄

... 女天后Taylor Swift《1989》去年錄得的130萬隻,更超越2000年唱片業輝煌時期由美國組合NSY ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年12月05日

Yuan overtakes HK dollar, greenback in Sino-Japan trade

... nication (SWIFT) said. The Chinese unit overtook the Hong Kong dollar and the US dollar for such payments. The Japanese yen remains the largest payment currency between Japan and mainland China or Hon ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-02


環球銀行金融電訊協會(SWIFT)統計顯示,人民幣在10月份已超越港元及美元,成為日本與中國及香港之間貿易的第 ...全文



... 。 根據環球結算系統SWIFT的統計,在跨境支付上,人民幣從2012年第20種最常被使用的貨幣,躍升至今天的第 ...全文


Adele's '25' shatters records with 3.38 mln copies sold in US

... by Taylor Swift's "1989". Adele's coup is remarkable in an industry that has seen a steady decline in sales. At the turn of the millennium, retailers were selling about 700 million CDs a year, while l ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-30

SDR call will reflect future hopes as well as current use of RMB

... ed on the SWIFT network continues to edge up. In September, the renminbi accounted for 2.5 percent of total payments, up from 1.7 percent a year earlier. That makes the renminbi the fifth-most used gl ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-27

How to invest amid stronger dollar, weaker yuan

... ording to SWIFT data. The rapid development of renminbi products also offers new options. The market now provides various yuan-denominated funds, bonds and derivatives. The Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Co ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-21

人民幣將「入籃」 國際化里程碑

... 取得了長足的發展。據SWIFT資料顯示:2015年8月人民幣(2.8%)首超日本成為全球第四大全球支付貨幣(美 ...全文


Pentagon chief to visit US warship in South China Sea

... ral Scott Swift, commander of the US Pacific Fleet, was on board a Boeing P-8 surveillance plane as it carried out a seven-hour flight over the South China Sea. Swift said his flight was routine, but ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-05

Uber driver gets life sentence for Delhi rape

... emand for swift justice. "We are happy that justice has been delivered and that the process didn't take that long," said Madhur Verma, deputy commissioner with the Delhi police. The victim, a woman wo ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-04

人幣貼市 波動不止

... 球銀行金融電訊協會(Swift)上月表示,人民幣已超越日圓,成為世界第四使用最廣泛的貨幣。而且,正如周一的行動 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2015年11月04日

疑國家隊托市 入SDR前維穩

... 球銀行金融電訊協會(SWIFT)統計顯示,人民幣於8月一度躍升國際支付貨幣的第四位;惟上月回落至第五。 ...全文


中央降增長預測 人民幣難大貶

... 銀行間金融通訊協會(SWIFT)於10月初報告指出,今年8月人民幣的支付使用量佔全球的2.79%,超越日本成為 ...全文


GDP目標縱下調 人民幣難大貶

... 銀行間金融通訊協會(SWIFT)於10月初報告指出,今年8月人民幣的支付使用量佔全球的2.79%,超越日本成為 ...全文



... 重點發展外滙交易。據SWIFT統計,今年首季歐盟及美洲人民幣外滙交易量佔了全球近一半。儘管這與一些跨國銀行將外 ...全文


How offshore RMB echoes onshore trading

... ording to SWIFT data. The currency has also climbed to the fifth spot in terms of foreign exchange trading and second in trade financing. The global use of the Chinese yuan is very close to that of fo ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-17

人幣中間價改革 離岸價新變化

... 發展證明了這一點。以SWIFT數據,離岸人民幣支付排名,在短短三年半,從第17位升至第4位,外滙交易及貿易融資 ...全文



... 追蹤人民幣使用狀況的SWIFT(環球銀行金融電信協會)前天公布,8月份人民幣全球支付貨幣市場佔有率創下2.79 ...全文


PBoC seen cutting key rate, reserve requirement ratio in weeks

... data from SWIFT shows. The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp. Ltd. deputy chairman and chief executive Peter Wong Tung-shun expects the use of renminbi to flourish as the country pursues its financia ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-07

8月交易首超百萬宗 市佔三甲拋離

... 球銀行金融電訊協會(SWIFT)統計顯示,人民幣由原本由7月位列國際支付貨幣第5位,於8月份躍升至第4位,市場 ...全文


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