... y from an ATM using bank cards stolen from his victim, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reports. Sources said Lam tried to access the victim’s bank account in Lam Tin Sceneway Garden but the bank card w ...More
EJ Insight2017-05-11
... two bank ATM cards and forced her to tell him the passwords. Then he raped her. Afterwards, he poured water on her body in an apparent attempt to destroy criminal evidence, and fled. It was almost 5 ...More
EJ Insight2017-05-09
... 銀行沒有自動櫃員機(ATM),人們要去銀行排隊提款 ﹔現在有自動櫃員機,銀行仍存在,只是銀行職員的工作性質比以 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年02月10日
... 子管道、手機、線上和ATM轉型的一部分。這對於消費者、股東都會更好,移動交易的成本僅為步行至分支機構交易的十分 ...全文
... t from an ATM right after. The fake bank notes were discovered later in the day during clearing of foreign exchange. The police were called and they quickly identified the suspects. Sichuan news port ...More
EJ Insight2016-12-15
... 管局規定銀聯卡在澳門ATM提款機上限降低一半至5000澳門元。報導令濠賭股捱壓,金沙(01928)及銀河娛樂( ...全文
... 管局規定銀聯卡在澳門ATM機提款上限降低一半至5000澳門元,中國銀聯以及澳門金融管理局午後表示,中國境內發行 ...全文
... 7● 傳澳門收緊銀聯ATM提款上限 看反彈留意友邦購14361、銀娛購14823、金沙購13565據傳媒報道, ...全文
美股隔晚再創新高,惟港股受到市傳澳門金管局擬限制銀聯卡ATM提款上限消息拖累,相關藍籌股偏軟,今早低開96點未 ...全文
據傳媒報道,市傳澳門金管局收緊銀聯卡用戶ATM取款上限,由每天10000澳門元減半至5000澳門元,目的為防止 ...全文
... 管局規定銀聯卡在澳門ATM提款機上限降低一半至5000澳門元。濠賭股今日捱壓,金沙(01928)及銀河娛樂(0 ...全文
澳門ATM機提款上限減半的消息,拖累整個板塊表現。沈振盈話,這個負面消息實際影響有限,但心理影響就很大。他又話 ...全文
Police are investigating after a pinhole camera and a card reader were found on a Bank of China (Hong Kong) ATM in To Kwa Wan. The snooping devices were found on the keyboard's protective cover, news ...More
EJ Insight2016-11-16