
共 3000 個結果
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... r America Act)提供資金。目前,總統拜登已要求國會就法案撥款500億美元。 聯盟指出,該法案獲得強 ...全文



... able Care Act的Obama Care為保障美國窮苦大眾有醫保;特朗普之管治是蠻不講理,總之「我贏晒 ...全文


Office decentralisation trend in Hong Kong

... -face contact, amongst others. This is why hybrid work arrangements are fast emerging as the preferred way for many companies – whether from home, the office, or co-working spaces that bridge the two ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-06

Helping the other 66%

... p to the fact that containing both the pandemic and the looming climate catastrophe depends hugely on the efforts of developing economies. That is not to mention the cooperation likely to be needed to ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-06

Addressing Hongkongers' vaccine hesitancy

... rest with active educational campaigns and promotional ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年05月06日

The climate tipping point we want

... f climate action have declined, the debate is shifting to the political and social difficulties of moving away from fossil fuels and toward a low-carbon, high-efficiency world. On the matter of econom ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-05

Addressing Hongkongers’ vaccine hesitancy

... rest with active educational campaigns and promotional drives that speak to the anxieties of the public, that engage with their concerns specifically – e.g. concerning the casualty rates, dangers, and ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-04

Cyber defense the no.1 consideration for O2O retailers

... e of the factors leading to this challenge is the rise of O2O (online-to-offline) business model. In response to customers going online amid the lockdown, more retailers expand beyond bricks-and-morta ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-30

A one-earth balance sheet

Last week, the world marked the 51st Earth Day. This year’s theme – “Restore Our Earth” – was apt. As the COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us, the effects of human activity on the planet do not respect ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-30

Fixing Hong Kong's housing crisis

... lance, to actively like them. The official narrative is ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年04月30日

朱利亞尼受查 轟FBI雙重標準

... istration Act)。 代表律師指有政治動機 朱利亞尼發表聲明,證實手機及電腦被帶走,並且不滿司法部對 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年04月30日

Fixing Hong Kong's housing crisis

... lance, to actively like them. The official narrative is that tycoons and wealthy doyens have been complicit in sponsoring pro-business, pro-market policies when it comes to the housing market – thereb ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-27


... mpetition Act of 2021)。篇幅長達280頁的法案,要求拜登政府針對北京的掠奪性經濟作為、惡 ...全文



... te Crimes Act),以94票對1票壓倒性通過。共和黨參議員霍利(Josh Hawley)投下唯一的反 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年04月24日


... 冠工具獲取加速計劃(ACT-A,世衞與其他國家之間的獨特夥伴關係)為診斷、治療和疫苗方面的合作提供了一個多邊框 ...全文

今日信報時事評論白高敦 譚德塞 等七人聯合撰寫2021年04月24日

中美繼續角力 隨時出現「兩帶兩路」

... mpetition Act of 2021),目標擺明車馬抗衡中國,法案下一步將交由參議院全體會議表決,預料通 ...全文


外交杯葛冬奧 汪文斌:反對體育政治化

... mpetition Act of 2021)的數十項修訂獲通過,當中最矚目的是要求美國政府對北京冬奧施以「外交 ...全文


美審議戰略競爭法案 中:嚴重歪曲事實

... mpetition Act of 2021),錄得21票贊成、一票反對,該議案將提交給參議院全體100名議員進 ...全文



... 冠工具獲取加速器 (ACT-A,世界衞生組織與其他國家之間的獨特夥伴關係)為診斷、治療和疫苗方面的合作,提供了 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2021年04月22日


... olidarity Act),指聯合國2758號決議,僅處理中國代表權問題,並不涉及台灣及台灣人民。 國台辦發 ...全文


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