... ing for a swift US withdrawal from Afghanistan, and he acknowledged on Monday that he was going against his instincts in approving the new campaign plan sought by his military advisers. "The consequen ...More
EJ Insight2017-08-22
美國樂壇小天后Taylor Swift指控前電台DJ米勒(David Mueller)非禮她一案,陪審團周一判 ...全文
Payments firm PayPal Holdings Inc. has agreed to acquire online lending company Swift Financial in a bid to expand its business that provides working capital to merchants, Reuters reports. The acquisi ...More
EJ Insight2017-08-11
美國太平洋艦隊總司令斯威夫特(Scott Swift)【圖】昨天回答假設性問題時稱,如果總統特朗普命令下周向中 ...全文
... also been swift in beefing up its own big-ticket offers. Up to HK$360,000 per head is on offer for elite students who enroll in four-year programs. HKU has also teamed up with top foreign universities ...More
EJ Insight2017-07-11
... 業銀行金融電訊協會(SWIFT)的資料顯示,人民幣在全球的支付量下跌近三成,其最新的排名為第7位,較去年年初的 ...全文
... (Jonathan Swift;此小冊子在作者病故三四十年後才出版),十多年前筆者寫「屁話連篇」時未見此書,真 ...全文
... ull off a swift victory, thereby allowing Qatar to buy time and organize counter measures, Riyadh might in the end sustain as much losses as Doha in this crisis. This article appeared in the Hong Kong ...More
EJ Insight2017-06-16
美國樂壇小天后Taylor Swift【圖】的作品回歸主流串流音樂平台,當中包括與她鬧翻的Spotify,結束 ...全文
... 小天后Taylor Swift表示,為受慘案影響的人哀悼、禱告及流淚。與Ariana年紀相若的美國人氣女歌手S ...全文
... 的新漏洞;更多央行與SWIFT全球轉賬平台提供者的入侵數據;針對中國、俄羅斯、伊朗與北韓的導彈及核武計劃的入侵 ...全文
... using the SWIFT international money transfer network and from Russian, Chinese, Iranian or North Korean nuclear and missile programs, Reuters reported. The spread of WannaCry -- which encrypts a user' ...More
EJ Insight2017-05-17
... 組織又稱,會公開使用SWIFT全球轉賬平台的銀行資料,以及關於中國、俄羅斯、伊朗或北韓核計劃的資料,但沒有透露 ...全文
... troduced "swift and intensive" tightening measures in many cities. But it's extremely unlikely for prices to fall "across the board" in future, the think-tank said, adding that some cities with low in ...More
EJ Insight2017-05-16