全球新冠肺炎確診數字達70.7萬宗,死亡人數33519。疫情日趨嚴重的美國,有13.3萬人確診染病,累計236 ...全文
Joe Biden was headed to a blowout victory over Bernie Sanders in Florida’s Democratic presidential primary on Tuesday, moving him closer to clinching the nomination to face President Donald Trump in N ...More
EJ Insight2020-03-18
While China, after implementing radical control measures, appears to be containing the coronavirus outbreak, other parts of the world are just beginning to come to grips with this public health nightm ...More
EJ Insight2020-03-17
荷里活影星湯漢斯(Tom Hanks)在Twitter帖文表示,他和太太麗達韋遜(Rita Wilson)確診 ...全文
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte announced strict immigration curbs and a halt on domestic land, sea and air travel to and from Metro Manila, in what he called a “lockdown” of the national capital ...More
EJ Insight2020-03-13
美國國會議員提出法案,禁止華為通過美國銀行體系進行若干交易,目的是要削弱這間中國電訊設備商爭取5G合約的能力。 ...全文
TOM集團(02383)公布去年業績,股東應佔虧損擴大至1.97億元,不派息。集團稱,繼續專注投資具高增長潛力 ...全文
TOM集團(02383) 截至二零一九年十二月三十一日止年度之全年業績(771KB, pdf) ...全文
Oscar-winning actor Tom Hanks and his wife, actress Rita Wilson, have both tested positive for coronavirus in Australia, the actor said on Twitter. The actor said that he and Wilson, who are both 63, ...More
EJ Insight2020-03-12
美國周日累計錄得603宗新冠肺炎病例,合共22人因此死亡,有34個州份失守,俄勒岡州宣布進入緊急狀態。華盛頓州 ...全文
1923年9月,關東大地震摧毀了東京大部分地區,主要是因為地震所造成的熊熊大火。謠言四處流傳,並且屢屢登上主流 ...全文
名家論壇Project Syndicate2020年03月09日
美國股市上周經歷「過山車」般的大幅波動,投資專家相信,本周市況料將持續錄得大幅波動,有關情況可能變成新常態。 ...全文
Former rivals Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar endorsed Joe Biden’s presidential candidacy on Monday on the eve of Super Tuesday voting, as moderate Democrats rallied around the former vice president ...More
EJ Insight2020-03-03