After Apple's shares sank following a profit warning about worse-than-expected quarterly revenue last week, chief executive Tim Cook has been trying to put a positive spin to the company's outlook. Co ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-10
蘋果公司行政總裁庫克(Tim Cook)接受美國新聞網站Axios訪問時,指無可避免會有針對科技公司及社交媒體 ...全文
一聲Good Morning,窗簾自動打開迎入陽光,隨即揚起輕鬆音樂,咖啡機也自動操作起來,為美好的一天拉開序 ...全文
In survey after survey, Hong Kong stands as one of the world's most expensive cities, especially when you talk about home prices. No wonder a growing number of Hongkongers are thinking of emigrating t ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-04
Apple on Thursday introduced a new iPhone recycling robot, alongside several recycling initiatives. The tech giant launched a robot which can disassemble used iPhones with greater efficiency and sort ...More
EJ Insight2018-04-20
內地逐步進入「無現金社會」,蘋果公司為了迎合中國消費者習慣,在中國41間蘋果零售店引入支付寶,屬於蘋果首次在實 ...全文
螞蟻金服旗下移動支付平台支付寶宣布,即日起,蘋果公司在中國內地的41家Apple Store零售店正式接入支付 ...全文
Apple Inc.’s brick-and-mortar retail stores in mainland China will now accept payments through mobile payment app Alipay, the first third-party mobile payment system to be accepted at any physical App ...More
EJ Insight2018-02-07
Apple is preparing to release an upgraded version of its iOS operating system that will give iPhone owners information about the health of the batteries on their handsets. Reversing the company's long ...More
EJ Insight2018-01-25
九十年代開啟了電子商務世代,這二十多年來帶給企業的經營模式天翻地覆的改變。新的經營模式,同時帶動了新的生活方式 ...全文
近期新股熾熱帶動投資者入市意欲,抽不抽到、揸定沽,成為茶餘飯後的熱話。 對於投資,陳貝兒有一套哲學:「自我投資 ...全文
There is no shortage of surprises at Apple Inc. The iPhone maker surged to a record high on the way to becoming a US$900 billion stock with a market-beating third quarter and even before selling a sin ...More
EJ Insight2017-11-03
Only a week after Apple’s iPhone 8 was launched on Sept. 22, Hong Kong has seen its first case of a "bloated" battery after similar reports in Taiwan and Japan. A male customer, surnamed Lam, bought a ...More
EJ Insight2017-10-03
Dozens of Hong Kong restaurants are taking part in an experiment to make ordering easier for blind people. Starting Tuesday, users can download a free app from Apple Store that offers talking menus, t ...More
EJ Insight2017-01-18
農曆新年將至,不少人都會外出吃團年飯、開年飯及春茗;不過,點菜這件看似普通不過的事,對視障人士來說卻是一大難題 ...全文
在美國,一班整天只是對着熒幕上網打機的宅男宅女,終於從家中房間跑到Time Square找Eevee,再到Br ...全文
Expat or native, you will recognize these Hong Kong habits once you have been here a few years. 1. Newer is always better Got the new iPhone? Are you sure it's the latest? Rush to the Apple store to g ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-02