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【EJFQ信析】內地股滙雙升 人幣強中有憂

... 的央行貨幣互換協議(Central Bank Liquidity Swaps)規模由5月底高峰期的4489.4 ...全文


內地股滙雙升 人幣強中有憂

... 的央行貨幣互換協議(Central Bank Liquidity Swaps)規模由5月底高峰期的4489.4 ...全文


倫敦盤銷情勝預期 曼市項目不乏港人

... New Cross Central也不乏香港買家,「可能香港嘅情況,個個都想買啲保險。」他指出,與曼徹斯特市議 ...全文


Why Indonesia is the next digital payments battleground

... ndonesian central bank announced that all mobile payment providers were to replace QR codes with the standardised QRIS (Indonesian Standard QR code), providing a single integrated platform for all tra ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-02

印尼森林逾700火頭 第三大省頒緊急狀態

印尼位於婆羅洲島第三大省中加里曼丹省(Central Kalimantan)森林近日發現超過700處火頭,更於 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年07月02日

A big PR deal Hong Kong doesn’t need

... ter China Central Television, according to Apple Daily, warned in an opinion piece that retirement would not spare her the punishment she deserved. At the moment, Hong Kong appears to be holding up we ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-01

預計澳洲明年留學生人數增加2% 墨爾本Monash大學區住宅OROS成熱賣之選 專家講座加送低成本入門秘笈

... 及Oakleigh Central廣場,由國際知名至最受當地人喜愛的品牌都可找到,當然也包括供應各國佳餚的食肆 ...全文



... 新盤包括位於東半山的Central Peak及中半山的波老道21號。 土地市場方面,大昌集團以13.3億元投得 ...全文


首期港幣30萬起 鄰近鐵路站 倫敦兩大優質公寓Upton Gardens及New Market Place

... 徑、籃球場及網球場等Central Park,距離Westfield也不超過15分鐘車程,兼享方便完善的生活環 ...全文


全球第三高 仍較香港低27%

... 心中央區(Core Central Region,CCR)、其他中央區(Rest of Central Reg ...全文


【異動股】中奧到家狂飆37% 獲綠服溢價逾六成再增持

... )收市後,集團分別與Central Oscar和Decision Holdings訂立買賣協議,以每股1.8元 ...全文


內西區交通樞紐一街隔 屋價平鄰區近半

... 菲火車站前往中央站(Central Station),車程為24分鐘;如果乘搭「快車」,沿途只停靠部分車站,僅 ...全文



... 」(Climate Central)早前透過地理資訊數碼模型,推算未來30年全球有3億人的家園可能在高水位時被 ...全文


Will the National Security Law endanger our common law system?

... area, the Central Government has singled out Hong Kong to be developed even further as an arbitration center in the Greater Bay Area plan. In other words, our Hong Kong common law system is the founda ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-15

Black swans and gold bars

... bility of central banks, and that scenario does seem to be getting more likely. That would suggest the possibility of higher prices still. Most market participants, however, believe that gold will per ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-10

Envisioning a blue recovery

...  ocean is central to life on earth. It absorbs a quarter of all carbon dioxide emissions and captures more than 90% of the additional heat they generate. The ocean economy is worth over $2.5 trillion ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-09

Libra without Facebook: How Celo boosts financial inclusion

Thanks to Facebook-based Libra project, “stablecoins”, the latest craze in the cryptocurrency space, have attained great interest from the financial sector in recent months, spurring major central ban ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-03

National security law provokes worst anxiety since handover

... icise the central government. Will a cartoon mocking President Xi Jinping as Winnie the Pooh or a joke about his large girth be “subversion”? How about critical messages on social media or speeches in ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-01

Economic recovery from COVID-19 unlikely near term

... e crisis, central banks and governments globally have injected a huge amount of monetary and fiscal stimulus into the global economy in the past two months – amounting to US$15.86 trillion or 8.8% of ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-01

夥泰央行測試 兩地銀行點對點過數

數碼貨幣近年急速冒起,多國中央銀行,都在研究央行數碼貨幣(Central Bank Digital Curre ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年06月01日

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