
共 1615 個結果
頁數:1...49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 ...81

This Sui Wo Court deal is a success story but it's rare

...  the 1997 peak, with the Centa-City Index at 100 points. Some homeowners have become renters after selling their flats but they are regretting getting out now that prices are still rising. Some homeo ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-01

Is competition in the US decreasing?

... e era of “peak profits” that has sparked concerns about market power is coming to a close. US corporations have had a remarkable three-decade run, but profits have already slipped from 11.5 percent of ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-31

Sharp Peak: What no experienced hiker should miss

Sharp Peak, High Junk Peak and Tai Yue Ngam Teng are nicknamed the "three treacherous peaks of Sai Kung". Situated in the northeastern part of the Sai Kung East Country Park and rising to a height of ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-27

Hong Kong property: What lies in store?

... ck from a peak since the third quarter of last year, and posted a drop of 13.3 percent as of the first quarter of this year. However, the price decline has eased or even stabilized since April. I’ve n ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-26

混世投資 名家睿智

... Hsu、資產管理公司Peak Capital Management創辦人兼投資總監洛克哈特(Brian Loc ...全文

今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2016年05月26日

Burglars steal HK$250,000 luxury watch from Peak home

Three men broke into a house on the Peak and stole a luxury watch worth HK$250,000 (US$32,180). The break-in was discovered around 9 p.m. on Sunday by a domestic helper who had been alerted to noises ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-24

Alliance presses on with June 4 vigil despite thinning ranks

... l not be speaking on stage this time, Ho said. He said he regrets HKFS's decision to withdraw from the activities of the alliance but respects it.  Vice chairman Choi Yiu-cheong said a planned May 29 ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-24

Empty stores multiply in Singapore, no longer shoppers’ paradise

... ed from a peak in 2014, they haven’t fallen nearly enough to convince some brands to stay. Singaporeans are among the most tech-savvy shoppers in Asia, with a greater percentage turning to online shop ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-24

新盤銷情未振 周五僅售15伙

... 臣山SHOUSON PEAK撻訂洋房以2.65億元售出,惟成交價較兩年前造價下跌近8%。 逸瓏園次輪只沽兩戶 ...全文


Lei Yue Mun's golden secret

... . Devil’s Peak: Kowloon’s fortress hill (Nov. 7, 2015) This article appeared in the Hong Kong Economic Journal on May 16. Translation by Darlie Yiu [Chinese version 中文版] -- Contact us at english@hkej. ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-20

Hong Kong says farewell to fat expat packages

Shed a tear for the top echelon of expats in Hong Kong's finance and banking sector. The housing allowances fat enough to rent a 4,000 square foot harbor-view home on the Peak or a townhouse in Repuls ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-20

Why Chinese fund managers are having a tough time

... as been a peak redemption period since 2009, according to the China Securities Journal. A further weakening of the economy will also make it harder for shaky borrowers to service their debt. -- Contac ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-19

Why Zhang's wish to see, listen and talk to HKers became a joke

... nt at the peak of Lion Rock in Kowloon on Monday night. They initially refused to comment on their presence there but later confirmed that it is to prevent anyone from trying to hang a pro-democracy b ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-18

Democracy banner reappears near Lion Rock before Zhang arrives

... ls at the peak of Lion Rock to keep people from physical harm if they planned to hang up a banner there demanding democracy. The deployment of police there was also aimed at preventing Zhang from havi ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-17

Police look into burglary at French banker's luxury residence

Some thieves broke into a luxury mansion in the upscale Peak area Sunday night and made off with a safe containing more than HK$600,000 (US$77,300) worth of cash and valuables, reports say. The victim ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-17

長實463伙貨尾 八成樓按吸客

... 臣山SHOUSON PEAK 11D屋,發展商新地(00016)亦推出於周五發售;恒地(00012)鴨脷洲倚南 ...全文


Nighttime lab test services to be reviewed amid flu scare

... e current peak season for flu. But whether the services are provided to patients during the night would depend on necessity and priority. Leung stressed that the drug Tamiflu should be prescribed with ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-16

Why two playgrounds are extra special

... ld Castle Peak Bay in Tuen Mun, there has been a similar story on Mouse Island. Residents in the bay were mostly fishermen dwelling on their boats. If people had children who failed to recover from il ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-13

Six-year-old flu patient dies after failing to get Tamiflu

... ls during peak flu seasons. In its announcement on the boy's condition as of April 11, the Department of Health said the boy had been to mainland China between March 30 and April 5 and tested positive ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-13

China's growth could fall a lot further

... half from peak levels to below 7 percent. And the rate may drop further. "Supply-side reforms" is Beijing's latest platitude, but it's all about old tasks like deleveraging, destocking, weeding out ov ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-13

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