
共 1775 個結果
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Who will win the smart TV battle?

... are quite happy to upgrade their TV from time to time, perhaps due to the fact that it offers a unique opportunity for family members to spend time together, a role that mobile phones and personal com ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-07

James Tien: Hong Kong is blessed but people still unhappy

... perfectly happy with just a B… And probably because of that, I’ve always been willing to listen to others’ opinions, when I was running my own business or inside the Legco chamber. “If you think you a ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-07


... 所以,新春佳節,自己happy之餘,別忘記為underprivileged一群的生命也加點色彩。 現在凡有朋友 ...全文


老頂訓示太多 校長忽然劈炮

... 惹人懷疑他的離開並非happy ending,耐人尋味。 雖然善於辭令的馬斐森強調,政治環境複雜反而是吸引他的 ...全文


HK to return seized military vehicles to Singapore

... d to this happy reunion with all Singaporeans in the Year of the Rooster." Hong Kong’s Commissioner of Customs and Excise, Roy Tang, confirmed the vehicles would be returned to Singapore but warned a ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-25


... 日獎一份,包括一張「Happy Birthday全日通」車票、一張50元港鐵商場現金禮券及其他商戶優惠券;中獎 ...全文


Give lai see, no questions asked

... is also a happy problem for match-making companies. I read somewhere that some marriage companies are arranging daytime boyfriends in the upcoming Year of the Rooster. According to one company in Liao ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-20

Mr. Pringles is in: Tsang’s belated manifesto sounds good

... y are not happy… I have big dreams for this city of ours and together I know that we can overcome the many challenges that stand in our way and make people in other parts of the world envy Hong Kong.” ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-20


千呼萬喚,國務院果然是等埋林鄭,昨日終於批准好打得林鄭司長及鬍鬚財爺曾俊華請辭,獲免職。而最Happy的要算張 ...全文


Over 70% of students don't like homework, survey says

... ed by the Happy Teens Club of Hong Kong Christian Services from August to October last year. Of the more than 700 respondents, 40 percent were students while the rest were parents. Over 70 percent of ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-16

Time to blow away the mindset that winning is everything

... ranteed a happy life. But does happiness really come with success? According to clinical findings, many of those who are diagnosed with depression or anxiety live in constant fear of failure. They are ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-13


... Flyover」、「Happy Share」。 筆者自行翻譯,若有失當,文責自負,亦望見諒。 梁守肫  香港測 ...全文


Eddie Ng under fire for early exit from meet on student suicides

... arently unhappy at the remarks and angry comments directed at him by some of the meeting participants. Apple Daily reports that Ng faced deep questions at the Legco's education panel hearing after the ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-09


Happy New Year!! 一向覺得除夕倒數屬群體活動,the more the merrier!所以每 ...全文



... 啦!」星期五了,又是Happy Friday,大家集中精神,盡快完成手上工作,然後約齊三五知己去happy h ...全文


HK urged to focus on endangered foreign parrot species

... u Lam and Happy Valley are said to be the birds' major habitats here.  Gibson and Yong suspect the cockatoos had been brought from their origins and sold as pets in the city. Some birds escaped or wer ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-05


1月2日,周一。Happy New Year!送舊迎新,但願讀者諸君2017年平平安安,心想事成! 過年前重溫 ...全文


港式Hygge 享受人生

... rets to a Happy Life, Louisa Thomsen Brits的The Book of ...全文


Will Hong Kong get rid of chaos next year?

... uverings. Happy New Year! -- Contact us at [email protected] SC/AC/CG ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-30

Philanthropists eye China projects under new charity law

... tone Soup Happy Reading School Alliance 10 years ago,” said James Chen, founder of “Bring Me a Book” campaign and co-chairman of Chen Yet-Sen Family Foundation. The project started in one school and h ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-24

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