In the 1980s, China and the Soviet Union conducted most ...全文
今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2024年09月05日
... ch - Into the A.I.verse」活動,讓我們展示財富管理領域的人工智能(AI)技術,包括大語言 ...全文
I used to think I had lived life to the fullest. I now think I’m beginning to see what that in fact entails. I grew up in a culture that treasured hard work – industriousness was prized as a norm. To ...More
EJ Insight2024-09-04
... 大英屬哥倫比亞大學(The University of British Columbia)進行。研究團隊招募1 ...全文
... 磡必嘉坊.曦匯與啟德THE HENLEY III貨尾單位,以及其士國際(00025)太子新盤PRINCE WE ...全文
... 兒,邀請我們去兩星的The Ledbury吃午飯,飯後我趁機往餐廳廚房,訪問總廚兼老闆Brett Graham ...全文
由興勝創建(00896)夥拍基金公司AG ASIA持有的西營盤干諾道西138號THE CONNAUGHT全幢酒 ...全文
A fortnight ago, a student asked me the following question, “Brian, what if one day, AIs could write better op-eds than you?” The jaded and deluded self in me was immediately tempted to retort, “What, ...More
EJ Insight2024-09-03
元朗The YOHO Hub 8座高層A室,實用面積467方呎,2房間隔,以月租1.98萬元租出,實用呎租42 ...全文
Hong Kong Ballet opened its new 2024/25 season as usual with a show catering for children enjoying their summer holiday – the premiere of a new production of “The Wizard of Oz” by its artistic directo ...More
EJ Insight2024-09-02
In recent years, the fierce competitions have led to the rise of elevator pitches. The original idea of elevator pitches was if you meet a potential customer or investor in the elevator one day, how d ...More
EJ Insight2024-09-02
... 為:「新語的原則」(The Principles of Newspeak)。真理部的三條標語正是用「新語」寫的 ...全文
In the 1980s, China and the Soviet Union conducted most of their trade in barter, to avoid using Western banks and foreign currency. China exchanged textiles and televisions for Soviet machines and eq ...More
EJ Insight2024-09-01