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... 勳爵(Lord Acton, 1834-1902),著作等身,至今仍然膾炙人口的,卻是他信中一句話:「Powe ...全文



... 》(Related to Your Interests)。 Cory Arcangel正於韓國堡壘山Thad ...全文



... referring to R.F. Kuang?Her writing is amazing!」 我不常看小說 ...全文


樂園業務復甦 迪士尼料穩升

... TC(direct-to-consumer)的最重要一環,在集團「一應用體驗」(one app experie ...全文


Rethinking climate finance for the developing world

Speaking to the Financial Times at the June 22-23 Summit for a New Global Financing Pact in Paris, Kenyan President William Ruto called for the establishment of a “global green bank” that would assist ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-30

The Greenland Ice Sheet cannot wait

...  expected to see more snow. But only patches of winter snow remained. One does not need to be a scientist to observe the trends that we researchers can detect via satellites and other long-term measur ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-30


... ntributed to substantial poverty reduction over the las ...全文


The end of Boris Johnson?

Last week the British House of Commons voted 354-7 to approve a damning report by its privileges committee against former Prime Minister Boris Johnson. It said he had committed five contempts of Parli ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-29

The end of Boris Johnson?

Last week the British House of Commons voted 354-7 to a ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年06月29日

思科推出新方案 助企業數碼轉型

... 展(Journey to Sustainability),期望幫助企業在數碼轉型和網絡連接方面擴展業務。 估 ...全文


Learning from the tram business

Is there a transport company in Hong Kong that has no plan to raise fares? Even better, it has no plan to import labour. Above all, it's been offering free rides for almost one in five weekends or hol ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-28

A mild global contraction is coming

... es manage to bring inflation back down to their 2% targets without triggering a recession. There is also the possibility of a softish landing. Here the inflation target is achieved, but through a rela ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-28


... Then come to Court 4!」那是一宗25年前的未成年性侵犯案件,控辯雙方各執一詞,很多證人已忘 ...全文



... fit right to the DAB(你正好適合民建聯)」。彭卓棋回應稱,他未必完全同意主流建制派。陳官聞 ...全文


【異動股】遭瑞銀降目標價 諾輝健康曾插近8%

... 費者(Direct to Customer,DTC)業務表現較審慎,故將目標價從51元,下移21.6%至40元 ...全文


Connecting geo-locations to unlock data value

...  not easy to integrate fragmented data to unlock their values. For example, for the same location, different sources can have different ways of presentation on the same event, which makes it difficult ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-27

The rise of the curated meeting

... ital role to play in the new world of work. Companies can reap the hybrid model’s countless benefits by empowering employees to split their time between locations: the head office, local co-working ce ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-27


... am appear to be lawful? (罷免林鄭月娥看起來如何合法?)」鄭達鴻重申,公民黨可按《基本 ...全文


A human-rights approach to the global food crisis

When former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro came to power in January 2019, one of his first acts in office was to abolish the National Food and Nutrition Security Council (CONSEA), a globally laude ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-26

What it will take to transform development finance

... The Bridgetown Initiative, launched in Barbados last summer and recently updated, calls on us all to maximize our efforts to prevent and respond to climatic events and pandemics. We must invest now to ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-26

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