Hong Kong’s traditional TV industry is feeling growing pressure from internet-based over-the-top (OTT) services. Television Broadcasts (TVB), the city’s largest broadcaster, has launched TVB Anywhere ...More
EJ Insight2018-01-16
The District Court sentenced three men to 21-27 months in jail after they were found guilty of illegally broadcasting the programs of paid television channels to their customers, Apple Daily reports. ...More
EJ Insight2017-12-29
... 電訊商質疑減幅太低。電盈(00008)旗下香港電訊當時更聯同4家電訊商,入稟高院申請司法覆核,雖然被判敗訴,之 ...全文
... 寬頻(01310)、電盈(00008)、東方航空(00670)、北京體育文化(01803)及中銀香港(0238 ...全文
樂視陷入財困,旗下香港樂視投得的2018年世界盃香港獨家播放權,最終須由電盈(00008)接手。電盈旗下now ...全文
... 港樂視已把播映權售予電盈(00008),明年世界盃決賽周的64場賽事,將在電盈的免費電視頻道ViuTV及收費電 ...全文
A consortium of six companies has been established to construct and maintain an undersea cable linking Japan, the Philippines and the United States. Japan’s NTT Communications Corporation and SoftBank ...More
EJ Insight2017-11-03
針對全球網速需求急劇增加, 日本軟銀、Facebook(fb)、亞馬遜等多間科技企業,日前正式簽訂合作協議,聯 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年11月02日
... ,今年6月帶同次子、電盈(00008)主席李澤楷參與,當日以「願力人生」為題演講,指愚人只知道「為」(to d ...全文
隨着零售業出現谷底回升跡象,市場憧憬明年經濟進一步向好,近日電視廣播(00511)(TVB)及電盈(00008 ...全文