
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 ...150

What’s with the Trump fetish

... ting this city of 7.4 million: Hong Kong. I wouldn’t be surprised, if the net support for Trump in Hong Kong were higher and stauncher than the support for him in even some of the Red States (now osci ...More

EJ Insight2020-10-01

What's with the Trump Fetish?

... ting this city of 7.4 million: Hong Kong. I wouldn't be ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightA Hongkonger2020年10月01日


由太古地產(01972)與越南City Garden JSC聯合發展、位於越南胡志明市Thu Thiem的住宅 ...全文


倫敦西敏市W10住宅Third & Caird 盡享英倫文藝小鎮風情

... stminster City Council規劃編號:13/12250/COFUL。物業編號: IRP_N_1 ...全文


Exporting smart city service

Numerous ASEAN countries and India have adopted smart city strategies. Many advanced economies including Singapore, Japan, South Korea, and the United States, are also striving to seize this trillion- ...More

EJ Insight2020-09-28


... 的作品。她首部動畫作City Glow(2005)創造了一種循環敍事,以7分鐘作為一天並不斷循環。另一件作品T ...全文


Expanding roles for robots under the epidemic

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to plague the city with the third wave of infections, two of the worst hit sectors are restaurants and elderly homes, both of which involve providing service to indi ...More

EJ Insight2020-09-26

Expanding roles for robots under the epidemic

... lague the city with the third wave of infections, two o ...全文

今日信報時事評論Amy Liu Mei-heung2020年09月26日

Smart city business opportunities in ASEAN countries

In the Spanish IESE Business School's global smart city ranking, Hong Kong was ranked the 10th among 174 cities in the world, and the 3rd in the Asia-Pacific region. The top five in the Asia-Pacific r ...More

EJ Insight2020-09-21

甲骨文翻身戰 還看雲端基建

... 城(Redwood City)為總部,著名產品包括環繞人事管理(HRM)、企業資源計劃(ERP)、客戶管理(C ...全文



... 紐約是Gotham City,羅省是Goddamn City了!」 ...全文


The environmental consequences of political repression

... of electricity and the high cost of gas for cooking. Deforestation in Zimbabwe has contributed to the decrease in annual rainfall in the region over the last decade. (Air that passes over trees produc ...More

EJ Insight2020-09-18

Should we give up on our youth? - No, No, No!

... ns to our city's political scene – has, to say the leas ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian YS Wong2020年09月18日

Should we give up on our youth?-No, No, No!

... ns to our city’s political scene – has, to say the least, changed Hong Kong rather irrevocably. An underlying catalyst of this metamorphosis, and this is a point that perhaps is, poignantly, the sole ...More

EJ Insight2020-09-17

每天5款菜式 密封高溫儲存

... 合下,陳隽認識了曾在city'super工作多年的日籍總廚及川學,後者眼見陳隽亦曾經在日本留學和工作多年,大家 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年09月17日

誠品疫市擴充 港開第七分店

... 灣愉景新城及屯門V city的期間限定店,已於一年內在港開設3間新店,奧海城則是今年第四間新店,連同太古城商場 ...全文


Will home market keep the winning roll beyond 2020?

... his small city, it is understandable why people are brave enough to bottom fish because the theory always worked, like during the periods when SARS, financial tsunami or the introduction of tougher pr ...More

EJ Insight2020-09-16

We need an honest conversation about police accountability

... taken our city by storm since last June. We cannot run ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightA concerned Hongkonger2020年09月15日

Hong Kong’s smart city position remains strong

... the smart city performance of 174 cities of 80 countries around the world, more than 45% are capitals. The results are as follows: - Hong Kong continues to progress, rising from 27th in the world in 2 ...More

EJ Insight2020-09-14


... 大學(Dublin City University)愛爾蘭政治專家Eoin O'Malley認為,英國脫歐催生 ...全文


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