... 到WhatsApp和WeChat,而唔係好似依家咁網絡會斷咗。」另外,兩地電話亦不應再以跨境國際漫遊收費。他強 ...全文
... 、Whatsapp及Wechat:(852) 9700 8657 / (853) 6545 1009 電郵:i ...全文
... n for its WeChat messaging service and gaming, Tencent touched a record high of HK$230.2 on March 29. The stock, however, saw a moderate pullback in recent sessions, and its market cap is now again ma ...More
EJ Insight2017-04-07
... 在WhatsApp及WeChat群組中轉發相片,或上傳至Instagram。想不到老一輩的長者們也順應潮流,學 ...全文
... 滑的勢頭;配合微信及WeChat的合併月活躍賬戶近8.9億戶,網絡廣告收入的提升空間仍然很大。 另一方面,其他 ...全文
... Messenger及WeChat跟客戶對話,它不但能理解廣東話用語,更可以繁體中文回覆。何透露,Clare.A ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年04月05日
... dia. In a WeChat posting, Guo said he might not have taken into consideration the limitations of other team members and has continued to push the limit. “But in the business world, if we do not keep m ...More
EJ Insight2017-03-31
... 長54.4%。微信及WeChat的合併月活躍賬戶為8.893億戶,按年增長27.6%。 支付業務非追求盈利 馬 ...全文
... streams. WeChat launched its payment service 'WeChat Pay' in Hong Kong earlier this year, which includes a new Wallet in-app payment feature. This followed the launch of SmarTone's 'Kiss' app last ye ...More
EJ Insight2017-03-21
... nces.” If WeChat has facilitated interpersonal communications, Narrowband IoT will do the job for communication between people and things, as well as between different things, he said, adding that Ten ...More
EJ Insight2017-03-08