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... ohammedan blue)的藍色在本質上仍異於漢族的審美,但卻與歐亞大陸的西域緊密相連。 《藍色之路》展 ...全文


浪遊足球聖地 曼徹斯特

... ,一片藍海及高歌名曲Blue Moon營造出幟熱的氣氛,差點我這名曼聯死忠「破戒」跟隨主隊打氣。隨着歐聯名曲金 ...全文


Why do I always hear bank customer complaints?

... ng with a blue-chip utilities firm and handling complaints from the public. But now he is the one doing the complaining after being at the receiving end of shoddy service. My friend took my banter lig ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-11

How long is long term for Peninsula shareholders?

... and other blue chips since the 1970s. Now all his blue-chip holdings are at zero cost because of their high dividends, except for Hong Kong and Shanghai Hotels, which he is still waiting to pay off. A ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-10

內外不一 多元之家

... 美的Tiffany blue,弟弟則想要一個童話王國。設計師的任務就是塑造一間多元之家,迎合各家庭成員的需要。 ...全文


Can Lenovo regain its blue-chip status?

...  deemed a blue-chip. The loss of the blue-chip status has now become official as Hong Kong's stock index compiler said last Friday that it has decided to remove Lenovo from the Hang Seng Index with ef ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-08


... 的,喜歡他優雅的美國blue blood氣質。 其實我不太清楚Kevin的背景,只知他住南灣,媽媽有些小生意, ...全文


The accuracy of GDP as a measurement

... verage US blue-collar worker’s wage has risen by less than 10 percent in inflation-adjusted terms since 1964. We could respond by saying that technology and globalization – and better health and great ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-02

South Korea wants US troops to stay even if peace treaty signed

... sidential Blue House, citing President Moon Jae-in.   The Blue House was responding to media questions about a column written by South Korean presidential adviser and academic Moon Chung-in that was p ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-02

China to test new development model in Xiong'an

... ters, and blue (wetland) and green (forests) areas will take up 70 percent. (About 10 percent of the new area's land will be put under permanent protection as basic farmland). The total area of land a ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-02

North Korea's Kim to invite US experts for nuclear site shutdown

... ties, the Blue House said on Sunday. “The United States, though inherently hostile to North Korea, will get to know once our talk begins that I am not the kind of person who will use nuclear weapons a ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-30


... ,花費在他的太空公司Blue Origin,期望將這名新寵兒扶養成人,成為獨當一面的角色,甚至能拯救全人類。 ...全文



... ,而是其航天技術公司Blue Origin,因為這關係到人類的長遠存活。 貝索斯的回應令人意外,因為他積極把亞 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年04月30日

Korean leaders aim for end of war, 'complete denuclearization'

... sidential Blue House in Seoul. Hundreds of demonstrators gathered in downtown Seoul from early morning to protest or support the summit. Impoverished North Korea and the rich, democratic South are tec ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-27

豐田13億投資美廠 創400職位

日本豐田汽車表示,將投資1.7億美元(13.26億港元)於美國密西西比州的現有Blue Springs工廠,生 ...全文



... 益的超級食物。名為「Blue Ocean」的天然藍色Smoothie bowl內含藍莓、藍螺旋藻、香蕉、椰奶, ...全文


Wikipedia adds page previews for faster comprehension

... or over a blue link to read those first few sentences and see an image, if available”. It saves the users the trouble of “[going] back and forth between articles”, or “[opening] multiple tabs to gain ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-23

紅海烏托邦 埃及達哈布

... 勝地,其中「藍洞」(Blue Hole)更是世界知名的危險潛點,沒有進階的潛水技術者請不要隨意挑戰。幸好,藍洞 ...全文


導演會最佳新演員 梁雍婷不急於拿金像獎

...  Pereira那套Blue Valentina我很喜歡;《蝙蝠俠》三部曲也是我的摯愛,飾演小丑的Heath ...全文



... 家拋開Monday blue的情緒,有個美好的星期一! [email protected]   ...全文


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