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... n,以及民主黨參議員Chris Van Hollen、Mark Warner、沃倫(Elizabeth War ...全文


Chris Brown涉巴黎強姦被捕

法國警方消息稱,美國男歌手Chris Brown【圖】周一因涉嫌強姦在巴黎被捕,他的保鑣及朋友也被拘留。據報, ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2019年01月23日


... rtner研究副總裁Chris Howard認為,現已進入「擴增智能」(Augmented Intellige ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年01月23日


... 策的副幕僚長利德爾(Chris Liddell)組成的代表團前往瑞士達沃斯參加世界經濟論壇。 特朗普上周亦公布 ...全文


US lawmakers introduce bills targeting China's Huawei, ZTE

... h Senator Chris Van Hollen and Representative Ruben Gallego, both Democrats, introduced the bills which would require the US president to ban the export of American components to any Chinese telecoms ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-17

美國兩黨議員提法案 針對華為中興

... r,以及民主黨參議員Chris Van Hollen與眾議員Ruben Gallego聯合提出。 法案被視為針 ...全文



... 港新媒體藝術家張瀚謙Chris Cheung策展,集合了20位時裝設計師,及11位多媒體設計師,分組創作10段 ...全文


結算系統應用區塊鏈  Digital Asset︰可減成本

... sset業務發展總監Chris Church出席亞洲金融論壇研討會時指出,傳統交易結算系統維持紀錄和合規成本很 ...全文


Digital Asset:若結算以區塊鏈運作可減成本

... sset業務發展總監Chris Church出席亞洲金融論壇研討會時指出,傳統交易結算系統維持紀錄和合規成本很 ...全文


企業債市瘋癲 災難歲月重演

... 家克里斯托弗.科契(Christopher Koch)的同名小說,以亞洲為背景,政治腐敗案為中心,主角包括新入 ...全文

今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2019年01月10日

TransUnion online services suspended until security issues fixed

...  Treasury Chris Sun Yuk-han said TransUnion's investigation into the incident is only limited to the security of personal data, and does not touch the regulation of the financial market.  As such, it ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-08


... 出,運輸大臣紀嘉林(Chris Grayling)周四與警方、航空業與國防部主要成員會面,討論有關事宜。 無人 ...全文


美政府設限 蓋茨核電項目棄夥中企

... aPower行政總裁Chris Levesque稱,暫時不確定可以與哪些國家合作拓展有關核能技術。 ...全文


Senior HK police officer injured in Hokkaido car crash

A senior Hong Kong police officer has suffered neck injuries after a car crash on Tuesday in Hokkaido, Japan, where he was believed to be on a Christmas vacation with his family. Director of Crime and ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-27

無人機又闖入肇事 英考慮加強管制

... 場營運總監伍德羅夫(Chris Woodroofe)表 示,軍警的緩和措施令他有信心重開機場,但航空公司需時從 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年12月22日

US, allies slam China for economic espionage; 'spies' indicted

...  Director Chris Wray said at a news conference on Thursday. “China’s goal, simply put, is to replace the US as the world’s leading superpower, and they’re using illegal methods to get there.”  Five so ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-21

Drone activity forces closure of London's Gatwick Airport

London's Gatwick Airport remained closed on Thursday, leaving thousands of passengers stranded ahead of Christmas, as multiple drone sightings near the airfield caused an aviation safety scare. Flight ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-21

無人機亂闖 倫敦機場兩度關閉

... 場營運總監伍德羅夫(Chris Woodroofe)表示,無人機當時飛越周邊圍欄,向跑道方向飛行,引起極大干擾 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年12月21日

Crackdown in Xinjiang: China and Islamic world's Achilles Heel

... ngressman Chris Smith, a member of the House Foreign Relations Committee, called on the Trump Administration to ban imports from Chinese companies associated with detention camps. A potential black sw ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-20

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