
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 ...150

Hong Kong will be loser in Sino-U.S. Cold War

... using the city as part of its global campaign to “attack” and “contain” China. This month U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accused Beijing of departing from the “one country, two systems” principle ...More

EJ Insight2020-05-14

HK: Why the post-Covid environment would stay harsh

... o get the city back on its feet again – like the “Harbor Fest” series of musical performances. But even by the time those concerts took place, six months after the SARS outbreak had been at its height ...More

EJ Insight2020-05-13

華停進口澳洲牛肉 澳:無關疫情源頭調查

... 、JBS的Beef City和Dinmore加工廠,以及Northern Cooperative Meat C ...全文



... 城」(walled city)觀念。後來啟蒙時期思想家重塑了這觀念,認為國家合法性建基於對人民安全、秩序、經濟 ...全文


警方呼籲聚集海港城市民離開 一度引起混亂

... 5時半左右,海港城近city'super中庭位置,有大批市民聚集,警方向現場市民作出廣播呼籲離開,惟市民報以噓 ...影片


The pandemic helps promote development of telemedicine in HK

... populated city like Hong Kong where clinics are within easy reach, the development of telemedicine is slow. Lack of standard in telemedicine also made the healthcare industry stand still. In December ...More

EJ Insight2020-05-07

The public face of the coronavirus fight

... ns in the city, the health expert has carried out her job with aplomb so much so that no matter how grim the data, her calmness and clarity have always prevailed. Her soft voice and maternal mien do h ...More

EJ Insight2020-05-06


... 康在斯里市(Sri City)的工廠已經獲得政府准許,很快復產。 小米印度市場首席營運總監Muralikris ...全文



... 露,富士康在Sri City的工廠已經獲得政府的批准,很快將恢復生產。 該公司印度市場首席營運總監Murali ...全文


Thank the Hong Kong people

... k and the city is gradually returning to normal. Both places have world-class health systems, with public and private care, a well-educated population and many specialists in infectious diseases. So w ...More

EJ Insight2020-05-04

Setting the stage for another round of confrontation

... ened. The city is clearly in trouble, with Fitch Ratings downgrading Hong Kong in April as an issuer of long-term foreign currency debt, the second such downgrade in less than a year. The Fitch move f ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-30

Setting the stage for another round of confrontation

... ened. The city is clearly in trouble, with Fitch Rating ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightFrank Ching2020年04月30日

新濠走勢偏好 上望16.87元

... 擴大新濠影滙第二期及City of Dreams Mediterranean等建設,無疑年內業務受疫情衝擊難免 ...全文



... 前尋求獨立專業意見。City of Westminster Council發出之規劃批准編號:NO.14/11 ...全文


Short-haul breaks are preferred in post-pandemic tourism: HKTB

... ak in the city has slightly eased recently, the tourism board is mapping out the long-term development strategy for the industry. Dane Cheng, executive director at HKTB, said there will be a recovery ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-27


... ome, Open City)、1946年的《烽火流鶯》(Paisan):史高西斯聲稱這是他最愛的羅西里尼作品 ...全文


The COVID-19 challenge: Comparing Hong Kong and Singapore

... ns in the city-state, especially among foreign workers who have been holed up in packed dormitories, as well as cases where the links cannot be traced. Migrant workers now account for 70 percent of th ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-22


... ra Milano City)已被改造為2.5萬平方米的緊急重症監護設施。但是,如果它一開始在設計時就不僅僅考 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2020年04月21日


...  Dapiran新作City on Fire,副題是筆端情感酣滿的一句:The Fight for Hong ...全文


Post-pandemic cities

... ra Milano City has been transformed into a 25,000-square-meter (269,000 square feet) emergency intensive-care facility. But what if it was initially designed not only for its primary purpose, but also ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-17

頁數:1...63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 ...150

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