
共 2065 個結果
頁數:1...64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 ...104

Populist plutocracy and the future of America

... and white blue-collar supporters in rural areas will vote on the basis of nationalist and religious sentiment and antipathy toward secular coastal elites, rather than for their own financial interests ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-12

想變「鋒味」反致「𤓓味」 Blue Apron舵手落台

Blue Apron上周四(11月30日)宣布,聯席創辦人薩爾茨貝格(Matt Salzberg)將行政總裁之 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global人氣我寫2017年12月09日

Deng’s ex-interpreter loses HK$87 mln in share certificates

... ompany of blue chip CNOOC, is also a non-executive director of Baytacare Pharmaceutical and E-Commodities Holdings. Losing important papers like a birth or marriage certificate is common and but rarel ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-06

英國搖滾明星科學家 探索太空旅遊及外星殖民計劃

... f Bezos創辦了Blue Origin,為此在今年再賣出10億美元的Amazon股票來注資。維珍航空的創始 ...全文


More than just retail

... ssiere by Blue Elephant, Moi Moi by Vietnamese Sydney celebrity chef Luke Nguyen, LILYA Moroccan Lounge and Bar and venerable American dessert café The Cheesecake Factory, to mention just a few. Anyon ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-30

蟹中王者 紅皇帝蟹

... 呈紅色而得名,其次是Blue King Crab,活着時蟹殼會帶淡藍色,再數下去便是Brown King Cr ...全文



... e」的美國藍瓶咖啡(Blue Bottle Coffee)便是好例子;藍瓶以手沖咖啡聞名,全美只有約50間分店 ...全文



... r Lines推出的Blue Delta SkyMiles信用卡,不讓巿場新品如JPMorgan Chase同 ...全文


The making of Stock God and his philanthropy

... benchmark blue-chip index surging past 30,000, up some 35 per cent year to date, along with a broad rally among Asian stock markets. It is time for Lee, who must have sat on huge gains in his vast Chi ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-23

Tencent or home?

... ce of the blue-chip index. Think of an investor with exposure to Li Ka-shing companies and you will get the picture. Last week, two units of Mount Nicholson, a Peak development by Wheelock Properties ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-22

強強聯手 改造旅者居停

... 手 玻璃天幕下的傳奇Blue Bar亦升級回歸。酒吧本由已故室內設計師David Collins設計,他的徒弟 ...全文


Airbnb收入豐 上市可追捧

經過Snap與Blue Apron上市災難,盲目追捧的投資者落得損手爛腳的教訓,難怪他們對計劃明年上市的公司, ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年11月17日

Does Sino Land record purchase signal home market peak?

... n for the blue-chip property firm known for its aggressiveness in land auctions to show its abiding confidence in the property market by taking the West Kowloon site with a market-beating price. The c ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-16


... 史的兩個品牌均獲德國Blue Angel認證,由原材料選取、產品生產,以至包裝及運送過程都貫徹環保意念。 經典 ...全文


Buffett's Berkshire cuts IBM stake, takes bigger bite of Apple

... value Big Blue as highly as he did six years earlier when he started buying. “IBM is a big strong company, but they’ve got big strong competitors, too,” he said. The IBM investment had been viewed as ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-15

Swire's slow symphony under the stars

... ormed the blue-chip index. In the times of property boom, Swire Properties trailed behind major peers because of its prudence -- some would say, over-cautiousness -- in buying land. I cannot, in fact, ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-13

延續海之戀 藍調型男錶

... 的Big Bang Blue腕錶。藍色陶瓷錶殼配以蔚藍色鏤空錶盤,微噴砂的質地鮮明卻不浮誇,更即時為腕錶注入強 ...全文


Starbucks hits the wall after aggressive expansion

... alry with Blue Bottle or other boutique and high-end coffee shops. Meanwhile, McDonald's is stealing its market share in the low-end segment. As a result, its US market revenue dropped 2 percent in th ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-07


... 因一方面遭受麥當勞和Blue Bottle上中下路夾擊,新拓展的茶飲分店Teavana亦不如預期而宣布全線結業 ...全文


星巴克季績差 力拓高檔茶

... 餐店加強咖啡產品,而Blue Bottle等高檔咖啡店就加開分店,令星巴克兩面受敵。   ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年11月04日

頁數:1...64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 ...104

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