
共 370 個結果
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Why is the govt so determined to maintain LGBT discrimination?

... quired to guess that the stance toward smaller minority LGBT orientations is likely to be even worse). In an unguarded moment when questioned on this issue at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club last yea ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-13

【異動股】阿里系逆市造好 阿里影業曾飆14%

... ,阿里巴巴與服裝品牌GUESS合作,將人工智能引入時尚界,並在理工大學推出展示FashionAI技術的概念店, ...全文



阿里巴巴聯同時尚品牌GUESS在港推出時尚零售概念店,以人工智能系統為消費者提供個人化衣着配搭建議,阿里巴巴副 ...全文


Apology accepted, Carrie Lam

... l center. Guess what, I have been a most loyal listener of his radio show that teaches people about American English slang.  So give Carrie Lam more time – and she will not forget the importance of sp ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-04


阿里巴巴聯同GUESS在港推出時尚零售概念店,以人工智能系統為消費者提供個人化衣着配搭建議。 阿里巴巴副總裁莊 ...全文



... ys second guess(事後批評)。」他表示,「我們這一代人,非常好,就是一輩子都沒有覺得有後悔的事情 ...全文


被指性騷擾 Guess主席辭執董

美國服裝零售巨擘Guess聯合創辦人兼主席馬西亞諾(Paul Marciano),因被名模Kate Upton ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2018年06月14日

性騷擾指控乏實證支持 Guess主席辭職

美國服裝集團Guess公布,涉及性醜聞的主席Paul Marciano已經辭職,但留任董事,主席一職由他的兄弟 ...全文


Chatbots: 'Say hello to my little friend'

... ing? A: I guess in terms of chatbots, the areas of Artificial Intelligence that drive it, will advance and we’ll become more reliant on using voice to interact with computers. The success of home assi ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-05

What next after seeking shutdown of Mong Kok pedestrian zone?

... because I guess no street performer or musician would be willing to take the trouble to apply for a "Playing Musical Instrument Permit in Public Street or Road" from the police according to the curren ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-05

Guess本季業績預測遜預期 市後股價下滑

美國服裝零售商Guess公布,第一財季錄得淨虧損2120萬美元(1.65億港元),前一年度同期虧損為2130萬 ...全文


Was N Korea's demolition of Punggye-ri test site just a show?

... so far, I guess one thing is quite clear: North Korea might now possess nuclear capabilities, but the safety level of its nuclear facilities is apparently still way below internationally accepted stan ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-30

Why Buffett would want to invest in China this year

... at 4 a.m. Guess what, Buffett and his long-time partner Charlie Munger were still fielding questions from shareholders. They did cover a lot of ground, but mostly about investing, during the six-hour ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-07

植根香港圓夢 發揚和風墨菜

... 處飛的他笑說:「I guess I'm stuck here now。」 菲律賓飲食圍繞着家庭,而家人正是Er ...全文


Carrie Lam and the opposition make strange bedfellows

... e to even guess how long such a mood will persist. Until the recent rise of localism and the Hong Kong independence movement, the opposition was seen as a moderate rather than a radical force. This im ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-29

Carrie Lam and the opposition make strange bedfellows

... e to even guess how long such a mood will persist. Unti ...全文

今日信報時事評論STRAIGHT-SHOOTING褚簡寧 Michael Chugani2018年03月29日

How Hong Kong's echo chamber works

... trying to guess how to go beyond what is already on the table. In this spirit Tam Yiu-chung, the only Hong Kong member of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee, has proffered the idea of n ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-23

Facebook facing probes over users' data

... lature. I guess that’s all they have left,” he said. In its report, the Observer said Cambridge Analytica used the data, taken without authorization in early 2014, to build a software program to predi ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-19


... 另一美國連鎖時裝品牌Guess租用,月租大幅下降44.8%,至13.8萬元,呎租約77元,租期由2015年底至 ...全文


Trump fires Tillerson; names Pompeo as new Secretary of State

... rrible, I guess he thinks it was OK. I wanted to break it or do something, and he felt a little bit differently," he said. At the State Department, a visibly emotional Tillerson said Trump called him ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-14

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