... 間;西班牙服裝業巨擘Zara母公司Inditex身為龍頭,旗下店舖超過7000間。 不過,市場卻看好迅銷的前景 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年10月15日
... 最崇拜西班牙時裝品牌Zara,「他們的模式是學不來的,顛覆整個時裝界,短短兩星期就能出產品?Amazing!抵 ...全文
... lers like Zara – declare on their websites that Taiwan is a part of China, show that Beijing is actively creating a situation where there is universal acknowledgment that Taiwan is part of China. As C ...More
EJ Insight2018-09-20
... lers like Zara – declare on their websites that Taiwan ...全文
今日信報時事評論EJ InsightFrank Ching2018年09月20日
西班牙服裝業巨擘、Zara的母公司Inditex昨天公布業績,雖然歐羅高企,但在上半年度的銷售及純利理想,而在 ...全文
... retailer Zara and hotel chain Marriott, have apologized for referring to Taiwan as a sovereign state. Just as Winnie the Pooh has realized, one must bear the reality of politics. -- Contact us at eng ...More
EJ Insight2018-08-10
... 至第6位,僅次於擁有Zara品牌的美國紡織大王Amancio Ortega。 納指收市跌80點,報7852點; ...全文
... 至第6位,僅次於擁有Zara品牌的美國紡織大王Amancio Ortega。 納指收市跌80點,報7852點; ...全文
... ditex的主要品牌Zara佔了其產品組合的三分之一。而且,儘管H&M每商店銷售額仍然高於Indite ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年07月03日
... 外套由西班牙時裝品牌Zara發售,每件39美元(約304港元),是梅拉尼婭較少公開穿着的「平價衫」。不少網友批 ...全文
... mp;M or a Zara dress, just behind Jakarta, Manila and Istanbul. The survey forgets to mention another formidable brand whose prices are quite competitive, and especially so in Hong Kong: Japan's Uniql ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-04
... rel maker Zara and Marriot International had to apologize for having listed Hong Kong and Taiwan as countries. Mercedes Benz was condemned as an “enemy of the Chinese people” by a People’s Daily onlin ...More
EJ Insight2018-05-17
... rel maker Zara and Marriot International had to apologi ...全文
今日信報時事評論EJ InsightFrank Ching2018年05月17日