
共 2866 個結果
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... 和流動付款服務供應商Square之間有潛在協同效益,真的嗎?多爾西罕有地(也不智地)擔當兩家公司的領導人,也就 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年03月30日

春日色彩 大地調色盤腕錶

... es Iconic Square Collection腕錶,有着方枕外形、拱形錶盤、微彎指針、充滿時代風格的阿 ...全文



... es Iconic Square Collection 41.35×41.35毫米枕形不銹鋼錶殼,搭載原廠自製 ...全文



... 商店的Herald Square旗艦店自1902年起沿用至今,其餘三間位於State Street、Union ...全文


恐襲脫歐夾擊 英國前景陰霾密布

... Trafalgar Square)舉行公眾集會悼念恐襲死者,表明倫敦人will never be cowed ...全文


Can high popularity save the day for John Tsang?

... Edinburgh Square in Central for the final campaign rally. The Chief Executive Election Rolling Survey conducted by the University of Hong Kong shows the support rate for Tsang as CE choice stood at 57 ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-24

Tsang to go on bus tour, hold rally in final CE campaign push

...  at Times Square in Causeway Bay at about 3 pm and stay there for half an hour, before it continues the trip to its destination at Crawford House, on 70 Queen's Road Central. Following the tour, Tsang ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-24

Kaisa set to release long-overdue results to end trading halt

... 5 million square meters, according to the company’s senior adviser Tam Lai Ling. Of its 87 property development projects, 18 are in Shenzhen. Kaisa also has 10 urban renewal projects in the pipeline t ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-24

How the Rockefeller family adapts to the changing times

... 2 million square feet (about three times that of IFC), stretching from 48th to 51st Street. In the 1980s, the family torch was passed to David Rockefeller. Meanwhile the Rockefeller family shifted its ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-24

Can a financial reporter afford a flat from tycoon Lui Che-woo?

... least 400 square feet, but you can afford it.” His rationale goes like this: your monthly salary is at least HK$40,000. If you save that for five months, you have enough money for down payment or you ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-22

County probes 20 deaths in Guangdong care center

...  about 15 square meters was packed with dozens of residents, some of whom were sick or restrained. Luo expanded her business to other cities in Guangdong including Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan and Hu ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-21

More home curbs could be on the way in China

...  yuan per square meter. A dozen Chinese cities unveiled property curbs over the weekend. Beijing raised the down payment for second homes and suspended housing loans with a maturity of 25 years or mor ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-21


... 下Pershing Square早在2015年3月便斥資32億美元入股Valeant,其時股價處於百五美元水平 ...全文



... 園(Madison Square Garden)舉行,逾2萬之眾大喊口號,詆毀羅斯福「新政」是「猶太政」,支持 ...全文


贏死? 輸死!

... 金Pershing Square和以個人名義持有的合共8%加拿大藥廠Valeant,埋單計數狂蝕30億美元! ...全文


Hong Kong’s starter-home boom may soon be over

... below 400 square feet have posted a price gain of 227 percent in the eight-year period, more than 30 percentage points above the overall market rally. By contrast, flats with a saleable area over 1,60 ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-16

The rise of HNA Group

... 3,500 per square foot for a two-million-square-feet portfolio that it hopes will create a new landmark in integrated residential complex development. In the latest tender, HNA paid a whopping premium ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-16

Bus pickpockets caught red-handed

... in Public Square Street in Jordan for Hung Shui Kiu in Yuen Long. The officers followed the suspects. During the bus ride, the two hit a 57-year-old passenger by slashing open his back pocket and stea ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-16

New tour bus to offer sightseeing along with dim sum delicacies

...  Bauhinia Square in Wan Chai, as well as other spots on the Hong Kong Island side. As for the second daytime route, it will involve travel to New Territories after visiting the Kowloon spots, covering ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-15

阿克曼買錯藥 金錢信譽雙失

... 司Pershing Square在2013年一次過賣掉手上18%的JC Penney股權,因為覺得這家大百貨公 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年03月15日

頁數:1...67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 ...144

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