
共 1632 個結果
頁數:1...69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 ...82

Brexit referendum breeding a divided society in Britain

... gdom, the vision of recovered national sovereignty is fueling the campaign to leave the EU. But efforts to restore the “power of the people” can easily end up turning the people against each other. Th ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-10

China vies for hearts and minds of 'sons and daughters' overseas

...  ultimate vision of China's sons and daughters within the country and overseas". That seemed to say squarely that China's Dream was also the dream of millions of ethnic Chinese around the world, claim ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-09

Jasper Tsang urges next HK govt to settle political reform issue

... Hong Kong Vision Project, which will focus on various issues facing the city, including governance, education and the economy. -- Contact us at [email protected] TL/AC/CG ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-09

Doctors warn those over 50 against head-down yoga positions

... 0 percent vision left before treatment helped it return to 70 percent. Lee said such yoga positions could cause an increase in intraocular pressure that might later result in broken blood vessels in t ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-06

卓越視覺體驗 LG SUPER UHD TV系列

... 技術支援Dolby Vision HDR格式,其精細調節的亮度可準確突顯出HDR顏色校準,帶來亮麗逼真的影像。 ...全文


沙地轉型 最缺人才

... 圖大計(Saudi Vision 2030)。 沙地的算盤是出售少於5%國營石油公司的股份,而公司估值約為2. ...全文


Family trust: passing wealth over generations

... he family vision, mission and values. U stands for understanding. A family trust should clearly express the expectations and needs of various family members. S represents support. A family trust shoul ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-25


... 遠地影響城市的願景(vision)。 香港的城市規劃和市區重建,一直以金錢利益為首要考慮。土地是社會重要資源, ...全文


Astana Expo 2017 to revitalize Kazakhstan’s energy sector

Kazakhstan is an undisputed oil and gas giant, producing about 80 million tons of oil and natural-gas condensate every year. But now, the Central Asian nation has a new vision for the future: green ec ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-19

The young are marching into politics as the elders foul up

... ing their vision and a clear stand, have drawn a line under radicalism. My hopes are more than just about how many seats they can secure in the election, as the results will depend on various factors ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-15


... 代皆很有遙遠的願景(Vision),但就懶理香港下一步應如何走, 應如何鬥爭的迫切問題。當然,這樣批評也許早了 ...全文


Film producers put pressure on award body after Ten Years win

... 016) Dark vision of Hong Kong’s future proves surprise box office hit (Jan. 22, 2016)  -- Contact us at [email protected] TL/AC/CG ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-06


... 俱增。 Dolby Vision蓄勢待發 另一幫助跑贏大市的小盤股是杜比實驗室(Dolby Laborator ...全文


No sure thing whichever way Brexit vote goes

...  with the vision upheld by many other EU members, including core countries like France and Germany, which view the EU’s single market as a stepping stone toward deeper integration, not an end in itsel ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-30

網購商防騙 IDM辨買家真偽

... 一服務Credit Vision,可讓銀行取閱信貸申請人過去24個月的信貸紀錄,「一般粉飾債務只是清債3、4個 ...全文


城市靈魂之窗 築起對話橋樑

...  Central——Vision Tunnels,這「隧道」向三個方向延伸,劃出經典、現代及當代三條主題通道, ...全文



... 澳洲最大連鎖眼科醫院Vision的19.99%股權,然後通過要約收購,於12月完成把Vision全資控股。Vi ...全文


Four questions to master for an IT&T job interview

...  the same vision with the company. Mastering this question will be a good opportunity for you to articulate your passion for this role and industry, and demonstrate you are a lateral thinker who sees ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-19


... 掛着14件畫作,命為Vision Tunnels,由「門常開」的建築師嚴迅奇先生設計。所懸掛的藝術品有知名的藝 ...全文


Why the changing Asia matters to UK

... ts to televisions -- have given British people today a standard of living their grandparents could only dream of. But at the same time these products threaten the livelihoods of lower skilled British ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-11

頁數:1...69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 ...82

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