... ns to safeguard their own interests at a time of peace or war. One example of how military sociology can offer fresh insights is its research into why there has been a significantly higher proportion ...More
EJ Insight2017-01-05
... ion,” The Guardian, 16 December 2016, retrieved: https: ...全文
... surnamed Gu said he would not hesitate to call the police if it happened to him, HK01.com reported. Another student surnamed Wong, who is studying for a master’s degree, said he would be very much co ...More
EJ Insight2016-11-01
經營UNIQLO的迅銷(06288)旗下廉價品牌GU擬首次在港開設分店,分別在尖沙咀美麗華商場及銅鑼灣皇室堡各 ...全文
... 司表示,公司旗下品牌GU持續在日本開設分店,亦會拓展電子商務,進一步擴大亞洲市場門店,期望日後達至1萬億圓的銷 ...全文
... sinessman Gu Zhuoheng, who injected new capital in 2014 to save it from bankruptcy. At the time, most people saw this as part of Beijing’s strategy to extend its control over the Hong Kong media. Unti ...More
EJ Insight2016-10-11
... ood Union(GU),去年營業額按年升40%,至5000多萬元,董事鄭泱解釋,GU只做B2B業務,毛利率 ...全文
The chairman of Sing Pao Media Enterprises, which publishes the Chinese-language newspaper Sing Pao Daily News, has rejected reports that he is absconding from the mainland in a bid to avoid arrest ov ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-01
Benoit Guénard,法國人,堪稱港大蟻俠。 他是香港大學生物科學學院助理教授, 來港約兩年。雖然身高 ...全文
... r. Benoit Guénard and research assistant Ying Luo. It was actually found by Luo in September last year on a foothill of Lung Fu Shan Country Park, which is just several hundred meters from the HKU ca ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-02
... Dr Benoit Guénard)所領導的「昆蟲生物多樣性與生物地理學實驗室」研究團隊,經詳細觀察後,發現該 ...全文
... year to August to 45 billion yen (US$430 million). It marks the third earnings revision this year, from a previous projection made in April for 60 billion yen profit. The Japanese yen has jumped over ...More
EJ Insight2016-07-15
... 中心。此外,旗下品牌GU進入高增長階段,已為公司第二大品牌,期望未來於日本以外地區加快開GU門店。 ...全文
... se和Michel Guérard等『新派料理』先峰影響,但最後大家回歸傳統。後來從西班牙開始的分子料理成為一 ...全文
... ve had a “GU” mark on it, which means it was a product approved by the Gas Authority under the Approval Scheme for Domestic Gas Appliances, and the volume of the can of LPG complied with legal require ...More
EJ Insight2016-06-28
A recent report in the British newspaper The Guardian said China is witnessing the biggest exodus of intellectuals since the Tiananmen crackdown in 1989. Tens of thousands of academics, writers and ar ...More
EJ Insight2016-06-15