5月12日,周五。美國總統特朗普【圖1】手起刀落,突然辭退聯邦調查局(FBI)局長科米(James Comey ...全文
維珍集團創辦人布蘭森(Richard Branson)接受CNBC訪問時表示,英國去年舉行的脫歐公投基於錯誤的 ...全文
75歲英國著名物理學家霍金(Stephen Hawking)透露,他將參加英國富商布蘭森(Richard Br ...全文
維珍集團的創辦人布蘭森(Richard Branson)周二上載照片,顯示奧巴馬上周在由布蘭森擁有、位於英屬處 ...全文
在電影《無間道》中,梁朝偉和劉德華用「高音甜、中音準、低音勁」來形容音響器材。是否人人的耳朵都能聽得細微差別的 ...全文
維珍集團創辦人布蘭森(Richard Branson)批評,英國政界導致國家脫歐,破壞了經濟和營商環境,將企業 ...全文
在手機遊戲很快就被刪除、用戶貪新忘舊,多火熱的遊戲也有機會迅速被淘汰的世代,有一間奇葩公司Supercell, ...全文
Alaska Air Group Inc. will buy Virgin America Inc. for US$2.6 billion in cash to become the top carrier on the US West Coast and compete more effectively with larger airlines, Reuters reports. At US$5 ...More
EJ Insight2016-04-05
亞馬遜行政總裁貝索斯(Jeff Bezos)周二首次帶傳媒參觀他旗下的太空科技公司Blue Origin。該公 ...全文
While Air France and Lufthansa flights may be grounded by massive industrial action if employees’ demands regarding remuneration and pensions are not met, we hear a rumor that our home carrier, Cathay ...More
EJ Insight2015-12-02
Virgin Galactic engineers are busy putting together a new spaceship that will replace the company's rocket-powered plane that broke apart over Mojave, California, last Friday during a test flight that ...More
EJ Insight2014-11-06
The fatal crash of Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo won't prevent Richard Branson's space tourism company from having a new spacecraft ready to fly next year. Chief executive George Whitesides said a se ...More
EJ Insight2014-11-03
For most people of the working class, Larry Page's recent remarks about work seemed to come from out of this world, like his pursuit of a driverless car, internet access through high-altitude balloons ...More
EJ Insight2014-07-09
Who would like to come forward to serve in the administration of Chief Executive Leung Chung-ying Spare some pity for Allan Zeman, who was forced out of Ocean Park with a frank revelation that “I felt ...More
EJ Insight2014-06-24