
共 2064 個結果
頁數:1...77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 ...104

Counting the cost of Brexit: just look at Tsai's Taiwan

... back many blue-collar workers from becoming leavers as they dread the influx of immigrants. The nation’s leading newspapers have taken sides as well. The Sun, which has the largest circulation and a d ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-20

Revamped units at 'Blue House' to come onto rental market

Residential units in Wan Chai's so-called Blue House cluster will come onto the rental market soon as a huge renovation project undertaken by a non-governmental organization is nearing completion. Ren ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-20


... Methylene Blue。它可以用來給麻布及絲綢等染色,但卻也被譽為史上首種全人工合成的藥物。 作者為資深 ...全文


MSCI delay of A-share debut not a big surprise

... ed up but blue chips ended up fairly flat. The market rally was quite surprising given investors typically trade on expectations. Last June, the Shanghai market was up 5,000 points when MSCI announced ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-16


... 元)收購網絡安全公司Blue Coat,加強企業網絡保安業務。 買Blue Coat拓企業客 Blue Coa ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年06月14日

Beijing dilemma: Whose flag is it anyway?

... ag with a blue upper left quadrant within which is a white sun with 12 triangular rays. That is a Chinese flag. Anyone waving that flag presumably considers himself or herself to be Chinese. To critic ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-13

Why Ma Ying-jeou shouldn't visit Hong Kong

... omintang (blue camp). The green camp naturally supported Tsai's decision, pointing out that the application was late, coming just 15 days before Ma's proposed trip, when the law requires all such appl ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-13

奧巴馬空軍畢業禮致辭 飛行表演隊「發機瘟」

... 軍藍天使特技飛行隊(Blue Angels)一架F/A-18戰機練習期間墜毀,一名飛行員喪生。(路透圖片) ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年06月04日

First air-conditioned tram hits the tracks on Monday

... be in sky blue and will have the number "88" on it. The air-conditioned car was outfitted to carry 110 passengers. Hong Kong Tramways senior engineering manager Steven Chan said the tram uses fibergla ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-03

Why you can be blue and yellow at the same time

Ever since the Occupy movement in 2014, the people of Hong Kong have been divided into two opposing camps: the “blue ribbon", or pro-establishment, faction and the "yellow ribbon", or pro-democracy fa ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-31

Why the iBond 6 is better than the iPhone 6

... hink of a blue-chip stock other than Tencent Holdings Ltd. (00700.HK), which, at its current record-setting pace, could overtake China Mobile Communications Corp. (00941.HK) as the biggest-cap company ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-30


... erman話很多人在Blue Monday無心工作,無無聊聊幹什麼好呢?找小三吧。至於大時大節,通常都是跟「正 ...全文



... (Evil Eye或Blue Eye,又稱藍眼或惡魔之眼),外表看只是一粒晶透的藍色小石頭,但原來相傳邪眼是源 ...全文


Tsai rejects 'one China' without saying it aloud

... the "deep blue" faction led by KMT chairwoman Hung Hsiu-chu (洪秀柱), the party’s presidential candidate who was dragged down by KMT bigwigs at the last minute. Hung blasted Tsai for evading the 1992 Con ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-24


... ,選址灣仔利東街開設Blue Brick Bistro by YOKU MOKU高級西餐廳,是YOKU MOK ...全文



... 公司 Kelley Blue Book指出,在美國購買一輛全新汽車或貨車的平均成本為33560美元。假設汽車的 ...全文

今日信報理財投資宏觀視野Jim McCaughan2016年05月21日

Philippines senate ends probe into Bangladesh cyber heist

... he Senate Blue Ribbon Committee that is investigating the alleged money laundering, told Gomes in front of a group of reporters that Philippine government agencies would pursue the investigation and e ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-20


... penheimer Blue)【圖】,以約5750萬美元(約4.48億港元)拍出,遠高於預期的3800萬美元, ...全文


西沙神秘藍洞 探明全球最深

... 理發現。 海洋藍洞(Blue hole)是指海底下沉的巨大深洞,洞中海洋生物難以生存,從空中下望,與周邊水域相 ...全文



... LE Invite BLUE BLUE聯乘系列的BLUE BLUE W橡膠靴,以經典Chantebelle靴款 ...全文


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