新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)疫情爆發並蔓延全球,世界衞生組織(WHO)3月11日把疫情定性為全球大流行,香 ...全文
COVID-19橫行世界3個多月,它的「狡猾」、「隱者」綽號反映了各科學家對公共衞生控制、預防和醫治的困境。香 ...全文
... 固然不幸,即使沒染上COVID-19,只是患了普通感冒令體溫略高,又或者趕赴考場身水身汗,甚至遇上體溫測量器失 ...全文
We don’t know when the Covid-19 pandemic will end, but many experts are asking us to be prepared for a long lasting war. David Ho, the world’s famous AIDS researcher who is currently developing a trea ...More
EJ Insight2020-04-22
... spread of COVID-19 in Singapore. Footage of his televised addresses to Singaporeans, in which he urges them to cooperate as he clearly explains the measures being taken by his government to tackle the ...More
EJ Insight2020-04-22
The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the greatest global challenges in generations. Governments and monetary authorities are correctly using every policy lever at their disposal to prevent a grave public-h ...More
EJ Insight2020-04-22
... when the COVID-19 situation hit China seriously earlier this year, and most companies and factories were kept shut down without any production activity" said Ko, "There was a year-on-year decrease of ...More
EJ Insight2020-04-22
... 展趨勢來看,美國因 COVID-19 死亡的人數可能只是約6萬人,與2017至2018年期間因冬季流感而死亡的 ...全文
... ed by the Covid-19 pandemic what did the government aim to achieve by this move? Contrary to some criticism, the arrests were not actuated by the police of their own volition; according to Commissione ...More
EJ Insight2020-04-21
... to combat Covid-19 from screening to containment and drug development. But while AI has the potential to create innovative solutions to control the epidemic, robust discussions focus on data privacy a ...More
EJ Insight2020-04-21
... uences of Covid-19 and begin the process of restoration? Here are five ways how consumers and businesses might change.1. Greater diversity in supply chains/more local production2. More flexible commut ...More
EJ Insight2020-04-21
當下新冠病毒引致的肺炎(COVID-19)依然肆虐全球。除了大家十分關心如何防止感染及在社區爆發的問題外,另一 ...全文
新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)帶來全球性的健康危機,導致醫療系統超出負荷。為了遏制病毒蔓延,世界各國採取了不 ...全文
今日信報理財投資宏觀視野Ian Johnston2020年04月21日
FSM HOLDINGS(01721) 自願性公告 有關冠狀病毒COVID-19影響之進一步業務最新狀況(11 ...全文
... 在治療新型冠狀肺炎(COVID-19)上取得重大進展。據稱在芝加哥大學醫學中心的臨床實驗顯示,服用該藥物的重症 ...全文