全球商業領導者和投資者常常被兩種風險所震驚:宏觀經濟風險和地緣政治風險。在短期,這意味著關注迫在眉睫的美聯儲升 ...全文
名家論壇Project Syndicate2017年03月13日
Critics of incentives for electric vehicles (EVs) often scornfully say that the government shouldn’t be giving handouts to “rich men” and their “toys” since the only EVs that had been seeing any signi ...More
EJ Insight2017-03-06
Syria's army says it has recaptured the ancient city of Palmyra from Islamic State for the second time in a year, with help from allied forces and Russian warplanes. "With backing from the Syrian and ...More
EJ Insight2017-03-03
US President Donald Trump told Congress he was open to immigration reform, shifting from his harsh rhetoric on illegal immigration in a speech that offered a more restrained tone than his election cam ...More
EJ Insight2017-03-01
US Republican Senator Marco Rubio, his partymate Tom Cotton and Democratic Senator Ben Cardin have jointly reintroduced the “Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act” to Congress, a move that might pr ...More
EJ Insight2017-03-01
In democratic countries governed by the system of “checks and balances” like the US, the mainstream media is often referred to as the “fourth branch of power”, while the White House is often known as ...More
EJ Insight2017-02-28
筆者昨天談到,儘管特朗普本人對港台等地爭取自由民主的理念不甚關心,但他並非沒有可能以此為籌碼,與北京討價還價; ...全文
在一個三權分立的社會,根據憲法擁有新聞自由的傳媒被稱作「第四權」。美國總統理論上是公權力無出其右的決策者,權力 ...全文
Verizon Communications Inc. said it would buy Yahoo Inc.'s core business for US$4.48 billion, lowering its original offer by US$350 million in the wake of two massive cyber attacks at the internet com ...More
EJ Insight2017-02-22
隨着人類知識增長和醫藥發明,長壽已不成問題。然而,如何能夠「活得健康」才是重點。社會上很多人已關注到食品中的農 ...全文
Sukhumvit Soi 38, a renowned night food market in Bangkok, no longer exists but it lives on in Hong Kong in a vibrant eatery in North Point. SOI. 38, located in City Garden Road, boasts authentic Thai ...More
EJ Insight2017-02-10
迪士尼行政總裁艾格(Bob Iger)曾強調有信心可以找到合適繼任人選,希望外界不要太擔心交接問題,但他周二在 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年02月09日