... 國家」(Unite the Country)等政治行動委員會(PAC)發聲支持。據報周日進行電話會議的民主黨5 ...全文
Every year, the Esri Young Scholars Award is exciting as the entries reveal what local young people care about, and their creative thinking always brings pleasant surprises. This Award has been held s ...More
EJ Insight2024-07-22
... USA及Unite the Country的部分超級「政治行動委員會」(PAC),一些傳統民主黨金主組織也支持 ...全文
如果大家想充分了解土耳其名廚Mehmet Gürs在The Link Dubai主理的Arrazuna,必先了 ...全文
... 6)發展的港鐵元朗站The YOHO Hub II於今年5月首輪即日售罄210伙後,近兩個月再有新盤即日首輪沽 ...全文
... rince and the Peacock」,決意重塑孔雀王朝(公元前322-184)盛世,讓食客感受濃濃懷古 ...全文
... help that the weakest chapter is probably the first, in ...全文
美國科技媒體The Information報道,晶片商博通(Broadcom)正磋商為聊天機械人ChatGPT ...全文
... 網上雜誌《外交家》(The Diplomat)談及時,質疑新例在成立新部門處理數據外洩事故時,將擁有較個人資料 ...全文
... ted about the future(似乎對未來感到非常興奮)」。談到殘障人士相關倡議,他打算推動失明和聽 ...全文
Over my not particularly long career (thus far), I have had the opportunity and honour of interviewing politicians, statesmen, academics, and thinkers – from near and afar. And what a privileged exper ...More
EJ Insight2024-07-19
“So you’re finally taking an interest in us, are you?” This is a question I oft hear – half in-jest, half a damning indictment – whenever I travel throughout Southeast Asia. The Association of Southea ...More
EJ Insight2024-07-19
At the 34th Hong Kong Book Fair that opened on Wednesday, eager visitors pushed through the crowded halls, seeking the books that interested them and queuing to buy many at discounted prices. There ar ...More
EJ Insight2024-07-19
... ghts from the Frontline: The Revolt of the Masses)。而《紐約 ...全文